I really hate how my local Toyota dealer treated me when I went to take a look around their lot. Just wondering what would be the best strategy for ordering new Prius Prime. Would it be a good strategy to use my Costco buying program so I would skip that Toyota dealer mark up and other BS from them? I knew eventually that Costco would make me go back to them Thanks! SM-S916U1 ?
Yes, Costco would be best if their program still works, but expect a long wait, as Toyota is having trouble building cars
I am curious about this when 2024 models will start being allocated and shipped. Typically they start showing up September. More importantly I know what know any changes. Fingers crossed the 6.6 kw charger.
hard to see toyota making any changes to a car they can't produce enough of. they have their hands full trying to correct defects currently. the model year doesn't really matter when you've just started producing the car
People had their cars held in port for an undisclosed recall, and a few are having the car's charger fail.
If anyone has more details on the charger issue, how does it "fail" and on the recall or other defects it could be helpful to owners to keep an eye out for. I've had my 2023 Prime less than a month, no issues yet, but also a bit suspicious as to how I ended up with one so easily given the demand issues others have faced, and at a good price. I needed a car so overlooked the usual advice of not buying first year of a new model or major re-design. So far, so good though.
Can't blame you for wanting to go with a G5, BUT.... If the rollout for the other Primes are any indication? ...Wait 2 years. Or? Bring money. Especially if you already have a '22. I thought Yotas lasted longer than that.
Here in Canada I put down a deposit on a 2023 Prius Prime on May 21, 2022. Told it may take a few months more. Dealer was only allocated 9 cars, has received two so far.
Plug-in Charging System Malfunction message | PriusChat Sounds like something is up with the fan, and the battery temperature reaches the point to trip a fail safe. Toyota is aware of the issue, but no fix yet.
Thanks for directing me to this conversation. I read it, as well as this one: Your plug-in system has malfunctioned | PriusChat. I wonder how many of these cars are having this issue. It is concerning. Guess it confirms that buying the first year model/redesign has greater risk, especially since I would not have expected this from Toyota. I will have had my car three weeks this weekend and have been charging overnight with a regular household outlet. No issues so far, I will keep my fingers crossed. I really like the car, like the EV aspect and this issue would be extremely frustrating on a new car, even more so for one that is supposed to be as reliable as Toyota. I had looked at the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and was turned off by the safety recall on the car dropping to 25 mph max from highway speed while on the road. At least this is not that!
when we drove camry's and corolla's back in the day, they were rock solid. but since we started driving prius and hybrid camry, there have been a lot more recalls, tsb's and outright failures requiring towing or high cost out of warranty repair. that doesn't make them bad cars or a bad company. they are still better than most everyone else, and i have no second thoughts quality wise when considering a toyota. but their motto used to be, 'it costs a lot more to repair defects than to build it right the first time', and they seem to have lost their way over the last 20 or so years. part of the problem may be that they set the bar so high
Many moons ago, Consumer Reports used the gen2 Rav4 as an example of just how badly reliability can drop in a first model year of even a reliable brand. If you are truly concerned about first year issues, you'll also avoid the second year. The gen3(I think) Prius had a software issue in which the car would just stall on the highway. Toyota can mess up like everybody else. The important metric is how they respond to the mess up.
No guts, no glory!! I have made it a strict policy to only drive new cars under warranty. I survived Ford's DCT debacle because of it. I believe my transmission was overhauled 7 times during the three years I owned that bucket of bolts. I haven't bought anything but gasoline over the last decade. Lease or own depending on where the best bottom dollar is found. The deal I got on a Mazda lease still has me wondering if the cops are gonna show up one day. Today I find myself on car #4 with almost 50% equity. Oh, and I never put cash down on anything. I had equity on the Mazda lease, and massive equity on the '19 Prius.
well, i agree with that sentiment. i'm currently researching electric cars, and it is gonna take some guts to make that leap.
I appreciate you guys, thank you for your feedback! So long story short, I went to a few dealers today in Missouri, and nobody could offer me Prime so I decided to settle for Prius LE for the $2500 markup. So the final cost with the $500 deposit, $499 processing fee , and that markup would be around $31.5K for the 2024 Prius LE. No additional options installed. Delivery 4 to 5 months. I am supposed to bring a deposit tomorrow but have second thoughts. Do you think that is a fair deal? SM-S916U1 ?