Does a Gen 4 have vents in the back corners of the hatch area that are perfect for mice to use as an entry point? I've had to help friends close off the vents in their Gen 2's because mice were getting in. Thanks! Steve
Yes I assume you mean the pressure vents. All cars I know of have them. They let the pressure out when you close the doors.
I'd suspect the vents are the same, kind of like cheap dryer vents, a roughly square grill with a flap. Take a look? I'm not sure they're "perfect" entry points; the cabin air intake is more common entry point. But yeah, it's a possibility. I've meshed the cabin air intake (on our 3rd gen); have been meaning to do those rear vents. Main issue is figuring out how to do it, it's kind of an awkward/bulky vent, clean/effective mesh install will be tricky I think.