I hadnt start my car for 2 months while I did my headgasket. I needed a jump to start it and later it would sometimes need a jump. I’ve driven 150 miles since headgasket fixed…and right now as I go on a food run my car won’t start because of the battery. Is this just a dead 12v battery thats beyond saving or can I bring it to a charger and recover it? The 12v battery is 13 months old.
Take it to an auto part store for free testing. If it needs. Charge they’ll charge it for free. Id it’s runs out of charge again then where ever you bought the battery from, get a prorate refund and new battery.
Good idea. I’ll jump it in the morning and let it charge at a store. Gawd damn man this Prius keeps having little things go wrong, its pissing me off
If this is a generation 3 I didn't look at the section I'm in at the moment this is actually pretty normal when you get a used one of these and you'll get it sorted reasonably quickly and then pretty much you'll forget you have the car It is that reliable pretty much but there's always little nonsense It just depends what kind of a person you are with a vehicle some people are able to just look over all the little nonsense and keep getting it batteries in this car are important so this is getting you ready kind of for electrics because when you go to electrics as you see from all the fanboy pages batteries can be a serious problem and a very serious cost like replace or burn the car cost sure that will get better as everything did but in the meantime you're stuck and need a $40,000 battery. Some people like these cars some don't It's just one of those things. If you ever get to buy a new one well I don't really know about the new new ones but when the generation 2 came out 04 to nine. These vehicles were some of the lowest maintenance vehicles that it ever been introduced to the planet. Point blank. The generation 3 is almost that good minus the head gasket problems. Brake actuators and things like that have been going bad on ABS car since they were introduced and I can remember when some of those brake parts cost more than the car and weren't available at least now they're about $1,000 in their available and you can do better than that if you know what you're doing and you're a car person. Some people just don't have any interest I do understand that and in those cases where you have no interest and you don't want to deal with anything a Yaris or Corolla will carry you into the next millennium generally speaking without any batteries and most of the funny business isn't in those two cars.
A couple of worthwhile items to have: 1. electronic load tester (Solar BA9) 2. Smart charger (CTEK 5.0) (what I’d get if shopping now) just disconnecting your 12 volt at the outset of the two months of downtime it’d probably be fine now; it’s the low-but-constant demand the car puts on the car that’ll kill it. being relatively new, a charge session may revive it. Initial load test will let you know it’s potential to recover.
Any modern car you let sit for 2 months without disconnecting- or placing it on a battery tender will die on you. Not just Prius. That's why car lots usually have a small fleet of jumper batteries.
I for sure should have disconnected the battery! Anyway, O’Reilly told me the battery was bad so I purchased a new one from them. All is good and sorted now. Except the brake actuator which I will tackle next month; I’m changing the non-pump part only.
False. I’ve had cars not be used for 3-5 months and when I come back to them they still accept a charge after a jump. This Prius 12v glass battery is different…I’m being told that once it drains to 0 it is dead forever.
I never stated anything about a car battery not accepting a charge. Simply that a car battery will be dead; if left unattended for several months. You even stated that you have to jump the car after sitting for several months.......... So I don't know what your so upset about.....
I’m upset because with the Prius I had to buy a new battery for $300! In my other car (Honda Accord), that has sat for 3-5 months, I did NOT have to buy a new battery after it sat. Yes, the Accord needed a jump, thats normal. But in the Accord the battery could be revived by driving the car or charging the battery. In this Prius the battery could NOT be revived by any method. The Prius battery is DEAD WITHOUT REVERSAL. Is the difference clear now?
yes, the prius battery is much less robust because it doesn't spin the engine. and the price is high because the size is rare and it is agm because it is inside the car. total ripoff.
I get it, I’m just venting lol. In the end I appreciate the 12v battery design since it contributes the the Prius efficiency. Now I know what to do.
False. Can AGM battery handle a deep discharge? AGM offers a depth-of-discharge of 80 percent; the flooded, on the other hand, is specified at 50 percent DoD to attain the same cycle life. Batteries are not exactly half full or empty. Prius has more modules than a normal car that draw power, opening the door wakes up a lot of modules, key fob proximity module draws power.
300 bucks now more like 160 and you can even use alarm batteries universal batteries etc . I believe folks here doing it now and extreme heat and cold some of these batteries may not be up to snuff Folks talk about vibration ratings and all kinds of stuff I've got some of these UB batteries and motorcycles and boy if you got vibration it's on a motorcycle no issues batteries are inexpensive can be drop shipped to my front door very quickly so it seems like a win until it isn't which hasn't reared that side of the story yet.
I measured around 18~20 milliamps, with spikes every 4~5 seconds to about 40. My hunch the spikes are due to that blinking security icon on the dash, but I'm not sure; didn't seem to be synced. That's probably true, but still, for a car just sitting, with the fob away, it's not bad. If OP had his own battery tester, he could see more conclusively if the battery is a goner. The retailer that tested his battery "might" be right, might be off the mark, hopefully not just trying to make a sale.