I noticed this very infrequent but distinct sound several times when I had my windows open. It may just be that I never noticed it because I usually have the windows closed. It's a brief "scrunch" or "chuck" like, maybe, if you bottomed your suspension on a threshold turning into a parking lot. Also reminding me of when you'd pull up a parking brake in other cars. "chuck". Always in isolation, I've only heard it a few times, once I heard it, I didn't hear it again for several minutes at least. It's not something most people would notice, but what is it? Just curious.
Sounds like the usual ordinary noises that most 14 year old cars make when they get old... Unless you have low MPG or significant symptoms with car suspension or warning lights, I'd ignore it until it becomes near constant/easier to diagnose.
in what situations is the noise present? driving? parked? in ev? in hv? braking? coasting? accelerating? at a particular speed or range?
Also, I'm not concerned about it or anything, but why does my car fart when I start it? What IS that? It's just a gentle whoopie cushion "fweeet!" once, under the dash.. My guess was vac actuators for the air conditioning but I really wouldn't know.