Happy Wednesday, I just purchased a 2010 with 111k miles that looks to be in good condition all around. The cars interior had been freshly detailed and "smelled" really clean. The owner said he set off a smoke bomb of sorts in the car after he got it back from the shop and noticed an "odor". He didn't elaborate and I didn't ask any further. Now, almost 5 days after purchase, that clean citrus smell has wore off and I can smell an "odor" similar to a dead mouse or like when you drive by road kill. I'm "hopeful" that is what it is but wanted to ask you guys if it could be anything related to a leaky battery or some type of leak or hot fluid in the engine compartment. The smell doesn't get any worse when the AC is on or when the heat is on or even with the fan on. It almost smells worse when the windows are open and the air in car is moving around. I did remove the black plastic trim cover? under the glove box and it looks like that white fabric filter pad was chewed up or pulled apart along the edge. I haven't found any turds or nest like material but again the car had been recently detailed on the inside.
one possible source are degrading vent tubes on the hybrid battery. another could be a dead rodent in the air intake system, i had to put baking soda on the cabin filter for weeks, but it might have disappeared on its own when decay was done, idk. did you check the cabin air filter behind the glovebox and the engine air filter?
To stop rodents getting in throu cabin air intake you need to remove wipers and cowl, install some rodent mesh. Video #13 here is very helpful: Nutz About Bolts Prius Maintenance Videos | PriusChat
Is it easy to check on those vent tubes on the hybrid battery? I did check both filters and both are new. I looked all up in and around both of those areas so see if I could find any clues or signs of rodents: nothing. There seems to be more of a concentrated stank under the front passenger seat. I sprayed that area down with some DIY essential oils and hit it with the shopvac but no noticeable change, yet. I might just fill up the interior with baking soda for a week and see what comes of it.
The first year or two of Gen3 Prius had those miserable vent tubes... It creates confusion for people with Green Bean and other battery rebuilders because sometimes the Gen3 pack they get has the tube systems and sometimes it does not. Was just chatting with someone stressed out about this last week.