what is the function of the green/ gray wires on the top of the traction battery? Mine were broken during module replacement.
Not sure about green, but the gray wires could be the thermistors which monitor the battery temperature. Did you get an error code when you started the car?
If you can show us pics that'd help... But as George W says, it's likely the temp sending circuit... I've a bunch of extra ones in my spare parts section if you want me to mail you some... Or it looks like you're only a couple hours north of me so if you're driving through Olympia anytime soon you can stop by and get 'em.
Thank you Prius Camper. I live on Whidbey Island and don’t get down to Olympia much. How do I contact you? I tried to post my email address but got a “ sneaky url” message.
On a gen 2, there are only 2 wires above the modules. They are for the intake air temperature thermistor. The wires on the bottom of the modules are for the three thermistors that monitor battery temperature. These thermistors are clipped to the bottom of three modules (one on each end of the pack and one near the middle)