I recently changed the transmission fluid in my 200K mile Gen 3 which I believe has had a rough life. It was darker than I expected and I'm sure the new fluid will be a step in the right direction. I was thinking of using a cleaning product like Seafoam Trans Tune prior to the next fluid change to get rid of some varnish which I'm sure lurks within the CVT. Is it better to do this proactively or wait until it starts acting up or neither? I've always used Seafoam products in motors but haven't in transmissions or transaxles.
Is this the first time that your Tranny fluid has been changed? How much longer are you thinking of going before doing this proposed SeaFoam cleaning?
I don't know about prior changes because I just recently got the car. I'm guessing it might have had one or two before this. I'd probably wait 30K or whatever the suggested interval is unless I think it's slipping.