I just get the clunk and light flash when locking and unlocking my 2008 T spirit. I connected techstream but under wireless locking there's no function to switch the beep on and off and under doorlock there's nothing at all. Is there some other way to do it?
After 15 years, maybe your beeper has pooped out. Does it beep for other things ? Like trying to lock with the FOB inside the cabin for instance ??
It beeps in reverse but I was under the impression that it is the horn that made the sound when it's active
Do you want to back up a bit and fill in the background of what the problem is and what outcome you hope to achieve.
When I lock and unlock the doors with the key, I want to hear the beep as well as the lights flashing
The reverse beep is on a different beeper than the lock beeper. The system default is lock beeps on, so is it possible the beeper has been disconnected or damaged? You can check the parameter settings in Techstream to make sure it is set on. You will find it in the WIRELESS DOOR LOCK > WIRELESS BUZZER RESP which should be set to ON. In the screenshot I'll attach I have mine set to OFF, as I only want the visual indicator blinks (HAZARD ANSWER BACK), but no beeping.
Mine only shows this and since it's on by default, I guess the beeper must be faulty. Do you know where it's situated?
I was trying to find a diagram in the manual to confirm but could not find one, just at the moment but I'm thinking it is in the RF wheel well behind the plastic liner. If it is not there, it will be in the LF wheel well. Just on the parameter WIRELESS BUZZER RESP, maybe it is on another screen. The repair manual instructs to check this parameter is set ON before doing other checks, so it must be there somewhere. Have you done a health check to check for codes? There are some that can set in relation to the buzzer.
Thanks DJ. I'll look in every other section on techstream to see if I can find buzzer response though why it would be separate from wireless door lock I don't know. You do a great job on here and I really appreciate it. Thanks M8. Bob