I bought my 2022 Prius on 12/31/22. I got one FOB and 1 key. Stealership said, "Toyota corporate will mail you the additional FOB". Nothing in writing. Contacted Toyota Corporate, they said, "you need to speak with your stealership." Contacted Toyota parts, they said, "We'll order a new FOB for you. It will be here tomorrow. Just bring it in to have it programmed to your car." Went to pick up the FOB. They said, "we will charge you for a new FOB" Toyota Service said, " you need to contact Toyota Corporate" It is a scam. If there is a shortage, why was it so easy and fast to order a new FOB?
No. I did not receive anything in writing regarding the FOB, and there were no notices in the car. Where was that advisory note posted?
It's attached to the car apparently: Maybe save the photo to your phone and go back to the dealer with "proof" From the linked article above:
New owners with one fob.... Please let us know when you receive your letter from Toyota. They should be issuing them soon.
New ‘22 hybrid purchased in Jan. Only got the one FOB. Dealer told me to call back in 60 days. The 60 days was today. They said wait for a Toyota letter, will come soon. I didn’t like the answer, so I called Toyota. They looked me up and told me two things… 1) the letter for everyone since October will be coming in June, July, or August 2) if I can’t wait that long (due to an emergency) and need the FOB prior to the letter…I can purchase the FOB at the dealer, pay for it, and submit for reimbursement Wait! What??? The agent said they are required to offer that option to me if I tell them that I need the FOB immediately. Not sure what to make of it.
I purchased Toyota Prius Prime XLE in December 2022. On "Due Bill" it is written, "waiting for manufacturer spare key." I was verbally promised factory would be sending me a second key fob in a month or so. It is now April. Calls to the dealer that sold me the call are passed from salesman to salesman without any resolution. When the parts department at a nearby Toyota dealer was given my VIN number, he assured me that they can get me a key fob in one day if I'm willing to pay $172; hence it doesn't seem to be a parts shortage issue. When I called Toyota Customer Service, a "grand engagement applicant" told me that a "service letter" telling me to come in for a key fob should not be expected before later summer 2023. When I complained, the Customer Service Rep said she was putting in a trouble ticket, and I would receive a call from Toyota. I am still waiting for that call.
When I called Toyota customer service in February the response was "Letters will be going out beginning in April telling us to pick up the second fob". Obviously that is not going to happen. I sense a class action lawsuit on the horizon.
Called Toyota Corp earlier today “Late Summer” is now the mantra And, now the reimbursement story has changed NO! They will not reimburse if I pay for one today So, I’m in a dilemma. I need the 2nd FOB so when my family plays musical cars at the airport or other venues. Already been inconvenienced & I desire a stress-free life. Since I no longer believe that late summer will be a reality, I’ll probably just buck-up the $3-400 for another FOB. EZ come, EZ go
brutal. how many companies could get away with charging full price for a product, but not provide all the product at time of sale?
As I reported elsewhere, Toyota Customer Service [(800) 331-4331] "Grand Engagement" representative, Alexis, said letters with instructions on how to get second key FOB would be mailed out at the end of summer 2023. I do not find that reassuring.
Maybe you can buy from parts. Plus a service charge for configuring the new fob. Toyota told dealers not to sell or program fobs unless the customer lost their only fob. Then the small stock they do have will be used. But the immobilizer has to be cleared, making the "lost" fob inactive. Plus there is a larger service charge because of the immobilzer than simply duplicating an existing fob. The reality is dealers can do what they want. It is doubtful Toyota would pull their franchise but Toyota could reduce dealer kickbacks. If you can get a fob for $300 all in, without clearing the existing, do it. You will just end up with three. No reimbursement is what I heard back in Nov for my Rav4. Otherwise everyone would get one now. Toyota correspondence to dealers
Typical Toyota, two keys or two key fobs are a needed for any new car, in families more than one person usually uses the vehicle, not providing two is just making ownership more difficult, yet they don't care.
1) parts Dept says there’s 50 of my vehicle’s FOB in the local warehouse. He asked me if I wanted to order today and give him my credit card for $120 2) now that I have the FOB part #, I can get it for $95 at several on-line locations vs $120 thru the dealer parts Dept. So my plan is to have dealer program the FOB when I get my first free oil change in 30-60 days. I’ll keep you posted. P.S. I’ll only end up with 3 FOBs if Toyota actually delivers on the missing one. I’m not holding my breath
I just purchased a certified pre-owned 2021 Prius, and they gave me a 2nd fob, apparently because I requested one.