My son is learning to drive and we are using my 2012 Prius. He is 6'2". His head almost touches the ceiling and his legs are hitting the steering wheel, even with the seat pulled all the way back. Am I missing something here? How can there be a height limit for a major car maker?
Maybe tilt the seat back backwards a click or two? Our son's driven ours, and he's 6'-7". Everytime I get in the driver's seat after he's driven, it's like falling into a pit.
Everything about the Prius C is super small... It's designed for people who live in crowded cities where space limitations are a huge hassle... You might be able to get these universal seat extension brackets to work for $40: They do make ones specific to Prius but spending $300 on some chunks of metal seems like a waste of money: Toyota Prius C (2012-Present) Seat Brackets - Extend My Seat Store
Lol, sound like the proportions of a 6' 7" Canadian are way different than the proportion of a 6' 2" Southern Californian...
I believe there is a lever on the left side to adjust the heighth of the seat. That should help. I'm 6'1 and have plenty of room from the roof, and I don't need the seat all the way back. Mine is a 2010, but the should both be the same. Unless yours are electric seats???
I'm only a half inch shorter (or was, back when acquiring my 2012, before age-related height loss became measurable), and don't have these problems, after driver adjustments are made. On all modern cars, this and previous, I've needed to adjust the tilt steering wheel all the way up to avoid knee collision. On the head clearance problem, this car actually has better clearance than my previous cars (excluding a current SUV, which replaced a previous wagon). I do drop the seat to its lowest possible position. Though that age-related height loss (mostly in the spine) has now given more than an extra half inch of clearance. And age-related hair loss also eliminates that feeling of hair brushing against the ceiling.
Because car makers are targeting average height humans. If they targeted 6ft or taller for vehicle layout standard then a lot of vehicles will be unsold and there will millions of post being like how come the Prius is too big for my son. Toyota sales won’t dint of a few people are too tall and not buy
I'm 6' 1" and I fit just fine in both my 2010 and 2017. Play around with the seat and steering wheel adjustments, he'll find his sweet spot.
I'm 6.2" and have never bumped my head....I can wear a ball cap and still have a few inches from the top when sitting in the driver's seat.
Like stated earlier, there is a height adjustment lever that lowers the "height" NOT the lever that makes you feel like your leaning back.
Maybe if you had 100K+ comments on PriusChat like @bisco you'd know what it's like to bump your head way more often?