I have a 2008 Prius and was wondering where the intake temperature sensor is located? I am doing annual tune up and came across this section on a forum talking about the intake temperature sensor and I have never changed it. I have changed the maf sensor but not this one. Thank you.
It's combined with the MAF sensor (it's the bulbous thing you see on the side), so if you changed that, you changed 'em both. That said, I can't think offhand of many reasons it'd ever need to be changed. Nothing much happens to thermistors, that I know of.
Best to just clean it with "MAF cleaner", then attack the throttle bore and buttery fly valve with a toothbrush dipped in rubbing alcohol or vodka. Link to said section?
Not uncommon. The mass airflow is sensed by the two very fine wires that you can barely see if you look deep into the tunnel in the sensor body. And then there's the bulbous thing right there in your face on the outside, which people often think is the MAF sensor, but it's the thermistor for the intake air temperature.