So, same 2007 I've posted about before. Some updates and a whole new question. Is there a procedure for putting an undrivable prius in storage for months on end? Long story short, we have determined the whole hybrid battery needs replacing. My husband, who commuted with our working vehicle, had a work injury and is on leave until mid July at least (potentially longer, depends on doc). So we don't need to repair my prius right away, as I have access to our truck whenever, and we really don't have the $ right now as our savings are being used to supplement his lower workers comp wage. We still plan on fixing the prius in the hopes he returns to work in July, but that depends on if I can find a summer job to supplement our income. So I know if the prius was actually working and driveable, I should take care of the battery to keep it from draining. It definitely won't be fixed before July (unless some deal pops up or we have a fortune windfall). Is there any point to prepping it for storage if the battery is dead anyway? What would y'all recommend?
Disconnect the 12v bat and keep it (the disconnected bat) on a cheap battery charger like Foxsur available on Amazon
I believe someone in my family or my husband's has a battery charger I can use to store the 12v. Would keeping it on the charger indefinitely damage the battery though? I know certain electronics like laptops and tablets have issues with over charging. Or would I just periodically keep it "topped off"?
I'd expect you'd only need to charge it once for a few hours shortly before putting the vehicle back into service in July. Good luck and hope your husband feels better soon!
I'll probably do that. Honestly I'm not sure how old the 12v is, so we might just go ahead and replace that too when we do the hybrid pack. Thanks for the well wishing! He's not happy about staying home with our kid, but it will be nice for me to have a change of pace for a few months.
It depends on the specific battery charger. If it is a multistage fully automatic charger then no, there would be no problem leaving the battery indefinitely. In fact, it would be better for the battery as it would maintain it in fully charged condition. If you have such a charger then you don't need to disconnect the battery from the car and it would be better for the electronics to continue to be powered. If your car has SKS, disable it while stored with the 'Key" button (press in to disable) which you will find below the steering column next to the TPMS button.
That's a little above my current skill level, but I'll talk to my dad and brother and see what the consensus is. My brother probably even has a spare charger laying around from his project cars. I believe it did have SKS, but the locking system isn't currently working right. It's one of the things on my list of repairs to research. I'll see what I can do with it. Thanks for the feedback!
Maybe the 'Key' switch is already pressed in so is not working. In any case, make sure the switch is in whether the SKS is working properly or not.
It's possible, my father in law isn't really tech/mechanically savy so who knows what he (or his friend he let drive it) did. Will do!
@Kimist Drive it up to Columbia, SC and leave it with me for a week or two. (Bring the whole car or just the battery, wouldn't matter to me) If you bring the car, I'll take care of battery removal and installation. I'll fix your battery for a couple hundo + $30 per module that needs to be replaced. If more than 3 need replacing, I'll speak with you first. I would need it for at least a week so I can do proper testing of the modules. This allows me to get accurate capacity numbers of all the (good) modules so I can install properly matched replacements. The repair would pay for itself in gas saved over using the truck!
I'll talk to my husband. It's not driveable at all right now so we would have to put it on a car hauler to take it anywhere, or remove the battery. I know the codes said it was the traction battery, and if I was reading the OBD2 reader right it was cell 8? But the last time we drove it new codes popped up and it lost almost all power, even started showing a problem with the 12v.
Another option is AAA plus. free towing up to 100 miles. If you join today after 30 days you qualify and can have it towed to Columbia, SC. not sure how far that is from you. Just a thought.
hmmm. Well. IF you want to keep the car longterm...or for more resale. You could order a NEW battery as an option. Both OEM or even Project Lithium would breath crazy new life back in. But that is a much higher cost. $2,200 or $1,600 or repair.. The GOOD thing is you have time to decide and save and make the best decision for your family. A Gen 2 has value, more with a newer battery, but resale shouldn't be that hard when the time comes.
Maybe an option... Does the car move at all? If the car can be driven on and off a flatbed truck, then an independent trucking company could be a good option. It might cost ~$300 to $500 to have the car shipped. Also, don't forget the cost to go and pick up the car, or have it shipped back. If the car can be moved, then there are a number of independent local-based shippers, that could ship the car. All they need is an F150, and a car hauler. And, they make more money than Uber/etc options. Many truckers don't like taking cars that can't drive on their own on/off the ramp, for many reasons. There's a truck shipping web-site/service, where you could post your shipping needs. I forget the web site, try google. Or, others may know. I hope that husband gets better. Good luck.
Well my husband's main vehicle is a truck with a 6500 towing package (yes he is that kind of guy). We might be able to get it up onto a uhaul car dolly, which runs about $50-100 for a day. So that's definitely an option. Edit: Meant to add that my father in law brought it up to us from Florida on a flat bed trailer with his F150. But that truck is in Florida with him.
We used these to haul our Prii 600 miles. cheap and easy 2" ball required. Which I'm sure his truck has. IIRC it was like $109 bucks one way.
Can't see the image (if that is what you put there) – it just shows as a broken link. I just tried to add an image of that to this post, and it said the image was too large at 9 KB. So I guess image posting is broken at the moment. [Edit] This post took ages to think about it, then didn't post it at all the first time. So, I guess PC is crashing soon. [Edit2] Now it double-posted.