Is this something that can happen? Or has been known to happen? I checked both 15 amp fuses and both 10 amp fuses and they were all good. Is there a way to know if it's the bulb itself that just went bad or if it's something more? The bulbs are pretty expensive if the bulb is still good? Any ideas or thoughts?
So you're saying you have HID and a tour model ? Then the bulbs could be considered possibly expensive if it's a non-tour model with fog lights and you have regular halogens than the bulbs are 12 $15 a piece I guess could be considered expensive to some You sure you didn't just knock a plug or something loose is the cover on the back of the headlight access still there so you can't see the plug and the wiring and all that or is that exposed? Sounds to me like you possibly knock something loose It's a stretch for sure and if you're not HID I would say you either knock the H4 looking plug off the back of the headlight or twisted it or something or the bulb just burnt out when you hit the plug with tools hands whatever
I've got a 2006 with NL Package #7, I don't believe it's touring, but it does have HIDs. I could see what you're saying about knocking something loose... except it's on the passenger side and not the driver's side where I was working.
Well if he's not replaced the headlights before any of the HID bulbs it's probably time I would think they're very faded and very dull a few years ago but what do I know I run only LEDs and almost everything I own new and old. Those housings are specific to HIDs they have automatic levelers on them that sometimes work a lot of times don't whatever Great set up if you like them I guess but of course when they don't work then you need those D4 or whatever they are HID bulbs and they can get costly instead of halogen housings with S1 series LEDs in them adjusted properly never look back cost almost nothing comparatively You're one or two $94 bulbs will pay for the housings and almost the bulbs not the time to put them on. But yeah I would say bulb burnt out . It must be just that time It's a 2006. I've got a 2009 and if that happened I would say the bulb probably burnt out. But I know mine would have been recently changed like above so probably not burn out probably something else.
just a coincidence, it's very common for HID headlights to fail on a 2nd gen Prius. Better switch to LED, not that great at least it's working and you have lights on the road than nothing at all.