Last October, I went online and saw a new Prius posted at a dealership in North Virginia. After doing a bunch of research, I went to a local Toyota dealer because they had the car I wanted, for the price I was looking for. The dealership also throws in free oil changes and annual inspections for life when you buy a new car, so that clenched the deal for me. However, when I drove down and looked at the car, the interior wasn’t the color I wanted. The salesman then went to his computer and told me he found a new Prius, same model, with the features and interior color. The only problem was that the car was at a different Toyota dealership in Virginia. He told if I wanted the car, he could give me the same negotiated price but I’d have to wait a few days so he could get the car from the other dealership, I agreed and came back a few days later. I inspected the car and it was a new Prius in the model I wanted, with the features and interior color I wanted too. I was happy with what I saw, so went in and signed the paperwork, paid cash and walked out with my “new car”. Yes, I KNOW I’m an idiot for not looking closer at the car because about a month later, the title arrived from the state. That’s when I noticed my “new car” had been reported by the dealership to have about 700 miles on it when they gave it to me. When I looked at the daily/monthly mileage meter, I saw the car has been driven for about 8 months prior to me purchasing it. I suspect it was a demo car but I was never told that when I bought it. It was sold to me as a “new car”. Whaaaat????? It’s probably been too long to do anything about it, but does anyone know if I have any recourse against the dealership/salesman? I do love the car and haven’t had any issues with it, but I feel like I was swindled since 700 miles isn’t “new.” Thanks for reading my rant and for any advice you may have.
It’s probably a state thing. Here in MA, that can’t happen because the odo has to be disclosed at the sale. You can contact your office of consumer affairs at the AG’s office and ask if you have any recourse, but I would just chalk it up to a lesson learned. It sounds like you got a great car
OR it could have been found at a dealership over 500 miles away and they drove it to you. That is not uncommon. Neither is selling a "new" car with a few miles on it for whatever reason. Now that you have vented.......get over it.
We once bought a “new” car, turned out it was a demonstrator, had been owned by the dealership for 2~3 months, had maybe 500 kms. Talked to them, they gave us a warrant extension for the amount of months and miles, and it was one of our better vehicles.
Not worth worrying about now. Get it washed for spring, shine it up and then take someone out for ice cream afterwards. It's a bummer you missed it in the paperwork, but it isn't worth missing out on ice cream.
Ehh, yeah, I figured I was pretty much SOL when I was ranting. Leadfoot McCoalroller, your wise words are 100% correct. As an ice cream connoisseur, I have personally witnessed few scoops of rocky road successfully curing many ailments like broken hearts, bruised egos, flunking a math test, stupid arguments, I’m positive it’ll do wonders for “stupidly not checking odometers” too Gotta run now so I zoom to the store in my “used Prius” and grab pint of rocky road “medicine”. thanks everyone,