Hello All, I can't figure out how to adkust the headlamps on my 2005. Turning the white plastic nut does absolutely nothing. I was also getting the error for the leveling sensor, so I changed it and am still getting the error. Every post I've seen seems to indicate that as the fix but not with mine. I did unplug it for a couple days and the RTOD and headlight indicator went away, but after changing the sensor, I plugged it back in and it has returned. Any suggestions?
In swapping headlights many times it seems they buried to absolute zero access the screws that aim the beam. I'm wondering if @SFO or @Elektroingenieur has adjustment information that explains this design and the type of tool that Toyota service techs use to access it?
The channels to get to the adjustment screw is indeed hard to find, but it is covered in the repair manual. You will need a No 3 Phillips screwdriver to adjust them, but a No 2 will work if you're careful not to mangle the teeth on the adjuster.
So I'm guessing he has the hid w auto adjusters? So I guess they have the manual screw too like I'm looking at on my halogens but they have a motor that's dropped over the screw or what have you that will adjust the things automatically so if you just the HID headlights manually do they just automatically go back to the crappy position they were in when you turn the car back on or are they going to stay where you put the manually I don't understand how that would work or would they just return to the spot where you set them manually with the screw when they do adjust automatically they won't go past the point that you set with the screw when the autos plugged up? I need to adjust them on my halogen assemblies with LEDs in them they're a little high so by the looks of the picture you're getting to the automatic adjuster wheel with the gold little bolt sticking through it and doing this sideways like sticking the screwdriver in at 3:00 coming from the radiator etc
The screw is a standard head, not a Phillips and turning it does not move the headlights at all. I've turned both sides several times in both directions while having the beams aimed at the wall and they do not move. I still have the issue with the warning light staying on after changing the sensor.
I don't think you're supposed to turn the bolt or the screw the screw is holding down a cap it's metal and it looks like it has v cutouts on the side of it You're sticking your screwdriver in the v cutouts and trying to turn left or right and move that circular wheel around and around righty tighty lefty loosey I imagine and then the headlight plate inside the housing goes up and down and there's another screw that moves it side to side if you want to play with that I think at least there is I think on my halogen housings I threw away my HID housings as we were getting rid of those I did see the adjuster on the HID housings and I was going to try and take it off and have a look at it but I lost interest and just got rid of them I'm looking to set and forget mine mine won't adjust after I set them and forget them. I was just curious how that works for a manual adjustment on an automatic adjusting headlight if I manually adjust the headlight and set it where I like it and then I put something heavy in the trunk isn't the automatic headlight adjuster going to try and dip the light back down as I put weight in the trunk and raise the front end of the car up?. So it seems to me like maybe you're automatic headlight adjuster is broken or something I haven't looked at the repair manual to see the diagnostics for troubleshooting the system I just got rid of mine and replaced with halogen with LED bulbs and is never done anything else
You have an error with the headlight leveling SYSTEM. There is a section in the service manual for diagnosing this. You have to be able to measure voltages on different circuits at the level control ecu to see what the problem area is. Might be a wiring fault that affects voltage to or from the level sensor, or the ecu. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.