It would be interesting to know the kW limit where "EV Auto" (not EV mode) passes to ICE use. Also if the HV mode makes a more extensive use of the battery (discharging/recharging) relative to gen 4.
The press release for the PHV for their market said 450 month. Wasn't clear if that was production or expected sales. The Prius number for comparison was 4200 a month. The population of Japan is 126 million to the US 334 million. Maybe they are getting more Prius PHVs per available driver. The car is also only going to be available in top trim there. With home charging being less viable than here, I expect demand will be less.
At 200 per state average, I don’t think there will be any sitting on the lots like gen 4, that might be Toyota strategy
The roll out will go to CARB states first. That's true with every high efficiency, low emission car. The old PP was available-ish in every state after that roll out. The Gulf States and Southeast regions didn't care for the car, but they are independent of Toyota.
It sounds like the 10,000 Prius Prime allocated to North America might be OK when you take into consideration all of the other new hybrid, PHEV and BEV models that Toyota has introduced recently. There will only be a limited number of buyers and a lot of competition this year. I wonder if the Prius PHEV sales might be impacted by the subsidy that you can get when buying a used PHEV from a dealer?
What with new ones not being manufactured in USA? not battery manufactured here either? Traction pack chemistry not (yet?) being environmentally sourced? That's 3 strikes right there for new primes. As for used PHEV Incentives - most states don't do that. Those that do have various restrictions. Maybe that's because they need all the batteries they can get their hands on for their hydrogen car experiments. .
10,000 Gen 5 Prius Primes PHEVs in six months would be a gigantic number considering that only about 300–400 Gen 5 Prius HEVs have been delivered in two months so far with no new batch in sight. If the 10,000 figure is correct, then it means that Toyota is selling the Prius HEV in Japan and the Prius PHEV in the US. Hopefully, we will also get a factory rebate for the Prius PHEV as we used to.
All Toyota has to do to be eligible for incentives is build a battery Factory here in the USA, green source more environmentally friendly battery chemistries, and build the car here- How many Prius have been built in the USA over the past couple decades? It seems the present fed administration is deliberately trying to prohibit this with the current requirements. .
no point to building a prius plant since they are almost done, but a battery factory is a great idea, along with a factory for future bev's. i hope the gov keeps the pressure up on the ferriners
Wonder what time the embargo drops today and/or Toyota releases the pricing. I'm going to be stuck at home for the next three days anyway while this winter that will not end decides to hit us with the worst storm yet. One to two feet of snow, 40-50mph wind gusts. On it's own, that wouldn't be horrible, but we went 143 days up here without the temp breaking 40F(4C) so we've got an entire winter's worth of snow still sitting around. Many roads have drifts a couple to several feet high on either side, so the roads are going to become impassible almost immediately tonight or tomorrow. Good times, good times.
SE North Dakota. This was a weird winter for us. We've had colder, we've had longer, we've had snowier. But we've rarely had all three as much as we've had this winter. Most of the area is shutting down right now and won't be reopening until late Thursday or early Friday(schools & universities, non-critical businesses, etc.).
How come we haven't heard from you today, @Danny? I was ready to put the actual price of my Gen 5 Prius Prime SE in my Excel sheet that calculates my monthly payments.
I'm thinking he was wrong about the media embargo date. If it was correct, we should have seen stories from multiple outlets. I haven't seen a peep from anyone. Would be nice to know what the correct date is.
Most sources I've seen from Instagram say it's tomorrow, I've attached the post from RedLine Reviews indicating 4pm EST
From the waits for a Rav4 Prime (the plug in version) I wouldn't expect you would see a lot of these. If Toyota can't find enough batteries for a $45k + car why should they build a lot of these?