2005 Prius, bought front hub assembly, I’m afraid they are not ABS hubs, how can I tell and are they all the same? I researched and bought a 33mm 12 point socket for the axel nut but now I’m seeing I ought to have a 30mm socket. Which is it? Thanks
I don't think the hubs you can buy for a 2005 Prius can be without ABS If you look at how the hub or the bearing mounts into the hub assembly with the four bolts and then your ABS wiring harness pushes into the hub hole when you look through that hub hole you'll see the sliced ring that the sensor you're sticking into the hub hold reads. I think maybe a Yaris front hub might fit It may not be ABS but I'm not positive of that I don't think you could order a hub for a 2005 Prius that's not ready for ABS and all of that The socket I'm not positive on I'd have to go out and take a measurement it's dark right now The car is in total darkness but I can do it in the morning somebody here should be able to tell for some reason 30 mm sounds right
AFAIK, all Gen2 Prii have ABS. Also, there's nothing on the hub itself that directly has anything to do with the ABS system. The wheel speed sensor mounts to the steering knuckle, and the tone ring for the sensor is on the drive axle outer CV joint. Most Toyotas I see have a 30mm 12 point axle nut. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Just in case any later reader comes along and wonders, the front hubs are like that (they don't have the ABS stuff, it's on the knuckle and the CV joint). The rear hubs do have ABS stuff. But the OP here was about fronts.
Thanks everyone, I’m good, understand about the front hubs/abs sensors and the 12/30mm socket. Looks like a pretty straightforward job, maybe a 2 banana.
Many parts shops have loaner tools, including axle sockets. Though they may not have 12 point sockets, but you can purchase 6 point nuts. How do you plan to remove the hubs, one way I've seen is to rotate (offset) the hub enough to use the rear holes and bolts to press it out. Any write ups, pictures, tips or tricks are always welcome here.