Seems I now need to carry two Epi pens at all times...of course I was told that in Sept. And just getting around to dealing with the issue now. Anyone have experience with this without looking like a nerdly dork, or at least not looking LIKE MORE of a nerdly dork. Had a severe reaction to a wasp sting last fall, despite the fact I usually have been stung several times a summer for 40 years with no issues. Every carrier I am seeing looks like a "Mom" fanny pack.
Sorry to hear that. Perhaps one of these could serve your needs? They come in various colors, you can get it in "manly" camouflage too. Tactical MOLLE Military Pouch Waist Bag for Hiking, Running and Outdoor Activities Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thank you so much!!! Much better. Feel emasculated enough about the Epi pen. A mommy pack was not helping my ego. And me wifey just said she finds it baffling a grown man cares more about looking macho than saving his life. Yep. If she had not been gently reminding me -- gently, ha -- I still would not have done anything. As my doctor told me a few years back, if it were not for wives, he would have few male patients. Thanks, again!
For a pack with a different "look", Bianchi used to make some good ones, though seems to have dropped that line. I wore one out using it for plenty more things than its intended purpose, and it went all around the world with those secondary uses. And I did encounter a few "moms" using the same model for its intended purpose: Bianchi 4410 Top Secret Fanny Pack Holster Vintage used items are available on eBay and elsewhere, but others have some current products, here are just a few examples to point in that direction: Blackhawk Urban Carry Fanny Pack Gun Holster If that style doesn't work, another option is a small point-and-shoot-camera case on a belt loop, if you wear a belt. If anyone still makes still makes cases for those old fashioned cameras ...
You could carry your EpiPen in your cross-draw shoulder holster/gun bag? Nobody will even know you got your meds w you this way and you'll never leave home without it
I carry a notebook bag almost everywhere I go, and much to my wife's chagrin, I call it either a 'murse' or a purse. I carry it sans epi-pen even though I'm fairly allergic to insect venom. I assuage my vaporlocking fears with the certain knowledge that I carry a connected smart watch with the Mrs Fletcher feature. This is one of the main reasons that women live longer than men. They have more common sense. Anyway... It looks like....a notebook bag - NOT a gun bag, on purpose. MOLLE gear looks like MOLLE gear. My point is...BE CAREFUL with the tacti-cool stuff in certain parts of the country, and in certain places in ALL parts of the country.
Just got a wild idea. Since I need to carry the pens anyway, might as well get a pouch that will hold my hated cell phone, also. I seldom carry the cell as it is just a pain...and finally.... My hated key fob also. I much prefer real keys. Whew, three issues solved with one pouch...well still not happy about the whole deal, but might as well get something that will accomodate everything.
Steve, get a pouch in all kinds of wild colors, put it on, turn on your favorite music, do a selfie dancing while wearing it, then post it on the web! You will make the statement, create the new "fad" and it will now be "manly".
Me. Dance. The two posed together strike terror in those that have ever seen me try to dance. If you think Elaine is bad in the vid below, let me tell you, she looks like Ginger Rogers compared to my dance moves...and yes, I know most of you have no idea who Ginger Rogers is -- or even Elaine. elaine dance - Google Search
O.K. I am not Fred or Sammy, but in the 1970s, a girlfriend said I looked like Boz Scaggs. I always wondered why I got as many dates as I did back then..., And, looking at a recent photo of old Boz, I think I look even more like him -- or does he look like me? Anyway, I found a somewhat not too objectionable "murse" to carry the equipment (I wonder if old Boz needs an epi pen?). Not as "manly" as I was planning, but ETC(SS) gave me pause. While the company does sell on Amazon, I actually got two for the price of one on the firm's "real" website. My daughter is a rabid outdoors person, so I will give the second to her.
You know your "old" when you recognize the music groups shown on your local billboard that are scheduled to perform at your local Native American Casino..............................
What does it mean when most are younger groups that emerged after my prime dance and popular music years?
I do a lot of volunteer work with local teens -- trying to keep them from being the teen I was (actually, I was not THAT bad, but hush, you'll destroy my creds!) Anyway, I do know most of the new music. Don't enjoy a lot of it, but I can put up with it. Computer stuff, not so much. But, even some of the new music I enjoy is a bit dated -- Trampled by Turtles, Ben Harper....
Wayne Newton? I had to google the name and then found some vids. Really? And Trampled by Turtles, as well as Old Crow Medicine Show are two of my faves, but I am long past teenage. Although I still get ID'd sometimes when I buy my "medicine." kris If you want to see the turtles in action:
I think it's too late to help the OP, but if any one looking for camera cases or small bags, try a local thrift store. I picked up a little pouch for containing the tire plug kit and tools in the car that way.