I have a 2013 Prius Lift back due to working at home I have driven only 2,000 miles so do I get an oil change it has been 11months since or do I wait,
Since it's out of warranty, you can do whatever you want. But oil does age and since the recommended interval is 6 months OR 5,000 miles whichever comes first, I would have it changed for peace of mind and if you'd want to keep the car forever.
That’s the Canadian 3rd gen interval; OP being on the States, Toyota USA’s policy is 10k miles or 12 months, again whichever comes first. two thoughts: 1. I like that CDN 3rd gen interval; think Toyota is pushing it too far with the 10k/12 mo. FWIW, for 2nd gen, Toy USA was 5k/6 mo. 2. I like that underlined bit even better; it’s saying when the miles are low, still abide by the months.