Hi guys, my display for the speedometer/odometer etc started fritzing out around 275,000 as many have reported. I was going to replace it from my parts Prius but noticed that every time the display went out, that if I disconnected the 12V battery and counted to 30 before plugging it back in, that when I did the display was restored. Been doing this for two years without fail. Is this the workaround, or am I just lucky?
I don't know if you're lucky or what but that works generally in my car I drove around the same of you two years sometimes a display would go out and be out for a day or two even three I think maybe the record was 4 days I would be ready to rip the dash out and send it to the guy in Texas. And then I'd get in the car the next morning and the display would come on The most aggravating thing in the world and the guy in Texas at Texas hybrids kept telling me if it keeps coming back on he doesn't care if it's every 3 days every 8 hours whatever It's not the display is further down the chain something else. So I left it kept driving etc. Then I ran up on a 94,000 mile blue 07 I took the display out of it put it in my car it's been working ever since but every so often when I boot the car the display will not fire up If I turn the car back off Wait a second reboot the car display comes right on without incident but nobody seems to be able to figure out why this is happening. The car is never been any accidents no wirings ever been compromised it's only been to the dealer when it was new under warranty and after that it was driven to $200,000 mi without incident just consumables replaced weird for sure.
Yup, you sure are but don't worry, it will eventually fail permanently. The good thing is you've got time to plan your repair plan.
Hey Tom, I think you might have me confused with somebody else. I would have told you that you are definitely dealing with a failing combination meter. All of the symptoms you and the op are dealing with are classic combo meter failures. It’s always an intermittent problem that gets more frequent over time. Unhooking the 12 volt battery can get it to come back but eventually that won’t help either. Matt
I hope I'm not confusing you with somebody else this was about 2 years ago I was ready to send my display down there and just leave it and you seem to think that because it keeps coming back on all the time and I had sent you some pictures of the board the capacitors whatever is on the stupid thing everything looked pretty good at least that's what I remember anyway because I called you up pretty quickly as soon as it started happening matter of fact the display still sitting here and it still works and it's not very consistent as far how it doesn't work interesting things have to kind of happen but I guess I'll get one down there till you hear shortly and you can swap it out go through it whatever I cannot imagine I would think at some point it would kind of have to die the capacitors whatever just wear out go bad whatever electronics do. But so far nope