My 2007 Prius has had the tire pressure warning light come on. All tires are at the right inflation and I've tried the reset procedure a few times and driven it the recommended miles. I had a tire shop check the sensors and they replaced the front 2. Warning light is still on despite the tire people trying to reset and my own reset after a few days. Is there any other reason for the light to stay on?
No But when the people replace the two TPMS sensors they did replace did they get them registered to the car that's a big question mark I would have been standing right there at the end of the Bay watching because they should have had the light out. Or the light was out when you received the car back now the lights back on is this correct? Or was the light never off since you left the tire store which I can't imagine but I guess I can. In the Toyota software you have to have the registration numbers for the TPMS sensors written down on a piece of paper so that you can manually enter that nonsense in to text stream. So if the tire store mounted the TPMS sensors and put the tires on and didn't write down the numbers well there's a demounting in your future I imagine some tire stores have a pretty nice TPMS computer device that will show the TPMS registration numbers at each wheel they walk up to it hold the wand or whatever to the stupid thing and up pops the information Pacific brand TPMS sensor registration number serial number etc You can photograph this with your phone or write it down but their machine should register everything on the car with one push of the button practically and the light go out then if it comes back on I'd be looking at my other two sensors that I didn't replace I mean if this is a generation too they're pretty old no matter which year model generation 2 it is.
The light is on because there is "a sensor reporting low pressure", OR there is a fault with the system (usually a dead or improperly registered sensor). If you get new sensors, for OE (type) - they have to be the correct part numbers. For "universal" sensors, they have to be correctly programmed for the year, make and model of your car. (If the new sensors are "clones" of the old ones, that process has to be done correctly). Then you have to "ping" all the sensors with a TPMS tool to see that they function correctly (and to check the ID numbers). After that, the sensor ID numbers might need to be entered into the car's ecu and verified as correct with a capable scantool (or some high end TPMS tools). The button under the dash has nothing to do with this process. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
They were aware that the new sensors had to be registered to the car as they mentioned that to me before they started and since they are a large chain tire store doing all kinds of suspension work they should be very familiar with the process. The light never went out when the car was returned and they said to take it back to them in a few days if it is still on. It's been a few days and about 60 miles, so I'm taking it back to them tomorrow.
For the type of system that's on a Gen2 Prius, the TPMS light should go out when the shop technician goes around the block on a test drive. Let us know what's going on. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Finally went back to the shop. A more knowledgable and experienced fellow reset the monitors in 5 minutes. All good.
But do you know what he did.? I guess it really doesn't matter they have the tool and know how to use it
I don't know how he did it. Perhaps the fellow who originally put them in didn't properly program them. He just re-programmed them and they were working right off the bat.
Yes the tire stores have a tool for that It's strictly for TPMS sensors and making the lights go off making the computer of the car see the new sensors without having to manually key in numbers