Has anyone has problems with the Mobil1 oil filter? Oil change yesterday and I must have overtightened the filter last time (14,000 miles ago). The filter wrench just slipped on the filter and it wouldn't come off. Tried about 10 different things to get it off and pretty much shredded it. Took about two hours and a genius idea from my neighbor. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had problems with the Mobil1.
Yikes, sorry to hear that! When you put on a new filter, do you rub some oil around the rubber seal around the filter, first? This should help with removal when you do the next oil change, at 6-months or 5,000 miles. (14,000 is WAY too long to wait, even if you're just doing all highway miles.) Torque specs for the oil drain plug is 30 ft-lbs and only 18 ft-lbs for the oil cannister/filter. Use these to get the "feel" of it then you can just doing them by hand, from memory.
Sometimes you just have to hammer a screwdriver through the filter and twist it off Hand tight is plenty for an oil filter...you don't need to torque the living daylights out of it. Stop Screwing Your Oil Filter On So Damn Tight
Just editorial: The 13 ft/lb for the (spin-on style) oil filter can be replaced with 3/4 turn, which achieves about the same. Screw the filter down till it contacts the machined face, make a mark at 6 o'clock, then rotate till it's at 3 o'clock. What kind/brand? What did you use to tighten it? I'd concur: 14K kms miles between oil changes isn't going to help.
yep, done that screw thing and I just hand-tight it after that.. same issue with the oem filter, I never used the adapter/wrench anymore to tighten it, a tight grip and twist will do.
Negative. Minimum 10,000 on Mobil1. Been doing that for years. Like this . Neighbor has a steel one and a plastic one. Been doing oil changes since 1980. I always hand tighten them by the directions on the box the filter comes in. The Mobil1 says 3/4-1 turn. Which is what I think would have done. If I can't get it to 3/4 by hand I'll use the filter wrench. Don't remember how I did it last time but I couldn't quite get it to 3/4 by hand yesterday so I used the wrench to get it there. Then used the wrench to back it off and back on. We'll see next time. Both filter wrenches slipped. I used two of the red handled jaws type filter wrench pliers and each just ripped holes and twisted it. pounded a screwdriver through it which just tore a giant hole in it. Tried one of them clamp down wrenches with a piece of wood to try to put pressure on it but that just twisted it more. Finally got it off by taking a piece of pipe about the diameter of the filter, cutting through the radius of the pipe just a bit longer than the filter. Pounding the pipe up in between the twisted up filter and block and then hose clamped the pipe to the filter. Was finally able to get it off by using a pipe wrench on the pipe. It was my neighbor's genius idea to do that. He's 75 and a welder by trade so steel is to him what wood is to me. I have the privilege of using his garage and all his tools. He doesn't get his hands dirty any more. As I lay under the car he hands me tools and puts them back and grabs beers as we need them. He's helped me conquer numerous difficulties over the years. The man is a gem. So nobody's had a problem with the Mobil1 filters slipping? If you put one in the filter wrench for these cars there is play.
Might be time to do a little research regarding the advances in oils and the way they are used in vehicles in the last 40+ years. JMHO
Right? This was the Mobil1 *20,000 oil (*or 1 year find print lol). This is my daughter's car so I hadn't even paid attention to the mileage. I keep a spreadsheet on it but she's supposed to let me know. The other day I happened to take a look at my spreadsheet and saw it had been 14,000 miles. I kinda flipped out and then saw my note that said "changed with Mobil1 20,000 mile oil." I was gonna actually do a Blackstone analysis on it but then fell into my routine and dumped all the old oil into my dirty oil bucket. Maybe 14,000 miles from now lol.
For 2nd gen Toyota says 6 months or 5K miles. They doubled that commencing with 3rd gen, but not sure if that was engineering or sales decision... I've been using the Honda automotive oil filter socket since forever, might be something to look into. Fits Honda (obviously), Toyota and Mazda. Heavy stamped steel, never any problems.
My Citroen's got a 20,000 mile/2 year service interval. Not everyone changes their oil every 5,000 miles
Historically I liked the Mobil-1 oil filters and saw no problems. But I have not used for a while. Our RAV4 has been getting Toyota oil changes, so have not been DIY as much lately.
Perhaps not, but it might not be a terrible idea for a car which is well known for using oil as it ages.
Not everyone should. However, A Prius and a Citroen are NOT the same, so your point is….? It is kind of like my F250 and my Prius: requirements for one would very likely destroy the other. Especially considering that the increase in oil consumption is directly tied to oil change intervals. What I find interesting is those that buy a car that is designed to be environmentally friendly and then treat them in such a way that causes environmentally unfriendly results. JMHO If you do decide to do that sometime, have them analyze it for anti wear additives (though it will cost more). And while you’re at it, check out all of the functions of the oil system in the Prius (and the size of the passages that are used for those functions), just for fun.
I use a torque wrench every oil change for that exact reason - I overtightened once and battled to remove the old filter.
The point, if you don't read subtext, is that people can change their oil whenever they want and the service interval is just a recommendation. What difference does it make to you whether the OP changes their oil every 14,000 miles or every 2,000 miles?
My apologies for confusing you and causing you to think I was concerned about how someone else treats their vehicle. I will keep this in mind when I find myself participating in future discussions where you are participating.
My comment was referring to comparing oil change requirements for two dissimilar vehicles. But, if your question is not about that, I hope the following offers some clarification. The design of the two engines, and their use of oil beyond lubrication, enables the gasoline F250 to be protected using with heavier weight oils, and longer run times when compared to the Prius. John Kelly of Weber University has some interesting videos that helped me understand what a critical part the oil plays in Priuses. As a result of listening to him and some other knowledgeable people, the Prius is one car I wouldn’t be comfortable stretching the oil change interval on. PLEASE notice the use of the pronoun “I” meaning what other folks do is up to them.
In this part of the world (and in the UK too) Toyota themselves recommend 1 year or 15,000 km (9320 miles and 10,000 miles in the UK) oil change and service intervals. Never been able to figure what the difference is in US/Canada though we do have a different and better quality oil filters to go the longer distance. I just think it is a waste changing premium full synthetic oil at 5,000 miles.
Ditto. My go to for oil change info was Click and Clack. When I started changing oil 3000 miles was recommended. Then sometime in the 90s 2000s I found Click and Clack and they explained how oils have come a long way and they recommended 5000. Here we are 20 years later and Mobil1 farts in that general direction and recommends 20,000. I figure 10,000 isn't gonna hurt anything.