Thanks for the helpful hints there. I wasn't sure how to release the tensioner once I got it in place. I have plugs out but already but was only planning on two complete (gentle) revolutions of the crankshaft. Makes better sense to continue until the timing marks are verified. Will also be doing a leak down test (to verify head gasket condition) and compression. I did see evidence of at least one overheat episode so hoping for the best there.
By the way, for anybody from the future reading this thread, the links being on their marks every ninth time you see them is not a sort of magic number for every engine. It happens to be the magic number for this engine. It can be worked out from the number of links in the chain and teeth on the sprockets, as described here.
The input damper plate (damaged by previous misfire) has been replaced, EGR system and manifold THOROUGHLY cleaned on this 2013. 12v battery was down to 11v so I recharged that. At first, it wouldn't start and I also couldn't clear the old codes. While I had replaced the safety plug, I hadn't fully engaged it so the Hybrid System message was also present. After I pushed the safety plug latch completely in, all worked well and it runs like a top! Test drive will be tomorrow. THREE CANS of carb cleaner to get the EGR Cooler clean at 170K miles. Prior to this, this car also had a broken head gasket/bent piston rod. At that point (around 100K miles) I didn't know enough about these to clean the EGR system.
Hope the test drive goes well and all functions correctly. Oven cleaner and a pressure washer would have taken care of the cooler...
I was concerned that the vanes or fins in there might be damaged by high pressure. But, I'm sure a number of solvents and detergents would work. I got the carb cleaner at walmart so it was only 9 bucks total for the three cans.
The carbon and oily gunk in the EGR cooler will laugh at your 3 cans of carb cleaner. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Carbon cleaner will clean a little bit but not completely. Use easy-off heavy duty oven cleaner and boiling water. Block the other hole and leave the oven cleaner inside for 20-30 mins then remove cover and pour boiling water through. Took me 2-3 times to clean completely.