So I was gifted a 2005 with 214k miles, and the po said the battery was replaced about 3 years ago. Red triangle, and he said his garage would 'reset' it then the car ran for a a few days before it happened again. he got several undefined diagnoses, and parked the car. It was parked in September, I got it for a new years project. I brought it home, pushed it on the trailer and checked the 12v and got 12.2 after using it switched on for about 45 minutes to push it into the yard and such. I put it on a trickle charge for a couple days until I got back to it. I ran the codes on my scanner and got failed communication for the HV battery. after clearing all codes, it started the ICE, and I drove around my block, maybe 3/4 mile and the car drove ok, but I could tell it was not well. Decided to physically look at the hv battery, and its not good. The blower was fairly dirty, no surprise i guess, for 18 years and 214k miles. Anyhow thanks to some videos and. reading here, I tore into it. The connector for the cell monitoring leads was melted, and the battery ecu(?) was full of burn marks. So, my question is where do I go from here? I cant imagine what could create the heat in the little wires except some short in the battery or the controls, If I simply replace the entire assembly am I looking at cratering another Hv setup or is this something 'contained' in the battery unit? When the car ran, the monitor showed several bars and turned green before discharging again. without messing with the clearly corroded connections, I got roughly 15.7 out of each pair before the rain stopped my explorations. Has anyone seen this before?
You go to a place like LKQ I didn't look to see where you are in your signature. At LKQ you'll find most of this stuff It looks like you're going to need a rack of battery cells so you'll call somebody like the hybrid doctor up in Virginia and if you're within driving distance and you go over there you'll be able to get another battery front end from him that's the computer that's burnt up in your car and he'll probably have the other board too while you're there and it won't be too expensive you know probably a hundred bucks maybe and then you'll take that rack of cells The front end pieces which have the computers the relay and the board slides in there and your ground strap goes to that and it fits all on your case it'll bolt the new rack of cells into your existing case or if things work really well and the dude at Dr Prius likes you he'll just probably hand you a whole rack of cells in a case. You'll get that back in the car and you should pretty much be good to go
Jesus you're in Florida from Georgia down to Florida you'll find literally thousands of these cars the Georgia junk yards out in and I can't think of the town right now have miles and miles of Prius especially the generation too which we're dealing with here Florida you should be able to find plenty of junk yards with these cars and actually fine shape minus a dent something like that they get totaled immediately I wouldn't be totally shocked that if you were to keep an eye out with the salvage yards you might be able to even buy a car with a not too old battery in it to be honest about it It would strictly be luck but it could happen It happened here
You got the car for free; buy a complete battery assembly with new cells (not reconditioned) for maybe $2500 and be done with it for another ten years (at least the hv battery).
$2500 with a good core. That one might not qualify. Also appears to need a new battery ECU. So... maybe get a dead battery out of a wrecking yard car and use that as your source of a new ECU and core, and then proceed with the new Toyota battery.
I've got several here people could pick up and use his cores nothing wrong with them The cores that I noticed when I did mine the Toyota dealer told me as long as the case wasn't sprayed green and had a green bean green tech or some other sticker on it I was in good shape I actually turned in a green tech battery that had a green case cover on it and their sticker I took another case cover silver off another battery with the Toyota sticker on it but underneath the cover you could see where green tech or green bean or whoever had marked on the cells the number they were or the volts they were reading or something that were marks on top of each cell like somebody had written something on them etc etc I turned in that rack without the computer because you keep that for your battery so just the rack the cover minus the front end the Toyota dealer took that and my money was back on my card the next day I don't think they lifted the cover off the battery to look at the cells or anything they just made sure that the battery cover was silver and had the Toyota number and sticker on it and I was good to go at least that's my story that's what happened to me
Keep in mind that a new Toyota HV battery is only the case, the module pack and the wire harnesses. It does not include the electronics section of the battery. If you went to Toyo with that car, you would also be purchasing a new ecu ($850) and any other components they deem to require replacement. The failure in the original post is not an uncommon thing. Corrosion builds up in the ecu socket and eventually short circuits a few of the pins, resulting in a little flash fire. Just needs a replacement ecu, sensor harness (wire frame #2) and whatever other bits and pieces got damaged. This entire electronics section can normally be purchased on ebay for about $150
Welcome to PriusChat!! Amazed that the vehicle even started like that, or do you think it let go during your 3/4 mile test drive? Just fix what is burnt first, then see where you're at with the battery assembly. A used HV battery ECU can be had from free to 250. New harnesses go for 60+, just shop around : 8216547040 - Wire, frame, no. 2. Battery, electrical - Genuine Toyota Part FYI : you're moderated until you've posted 5 times.
Look local in your town some junk yards will give you that stuff The front end of the battery that ECU any of that most of the places I go like just take it they don't know what it goes to and all of that sort of thing they're just not into it I have three or four lay in here just in case when I see him I just grab them and throw them in the pile.
The local pick a yard has no packs at all. They have a deal with some company or another where they pull all of those out of hybrids when they come in, and then ship them.
Well the other place I go is any of the battery remanufacturers green tech green bean any of those places with the shops were there working on the packs and delivering them to people with failing ones in cars a lot of times they'll have stacks of this stuff sitting out in the rain generally the front ends have the covers on them so they're not getting too beat. You know so usually you can cut a deal with those guys pretty good 25-50 bucks something pretty much all their worth given the volume and what not that they will have.
So... I actually reached out to the Marketplace guy, and met him. the battery was complete, and the ecu harness looked new. I set the thing in place, wired and secured it, and although the dash indicated the battery was real low, it started right up after a reset. the battery charged for a bit, and the triangle is gone. So I may have a free Prius (Freeus!?!) with a$500 battery back on the road. I can see getting a custom plate since the car was free. Interesting experience, iit was like working on any other toyota, except the batteries are strange. What other issues should I be on alert for? I will likely need tires and some maintenance, but that should be really easy since I already take care of 2 other toyotas.