I received the P0A80 error message for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Reset with the temporary fuse fix before taking it to the dealership when it reappeared. They ran codes and told me it was "more than likely" just a battery fan issue. Reset the code again through some app but said it was a temporary fix. They needed to reschedule me for a fan cleaning, so I went home and attempted to clean it myself. Removed a TON of dust built up from the fan blades and a layer from the mesh filter. Put everything back in place and it's been driving normally for over a thousand miles. Gas mileage has been great, no weird noises, even driving in colder than usual weather. Then, when I started it up this morning, it was noticeably rumbly, and within a few minutes the CHECK HYBRID SYSTEM message reappeared I did the fuse reset again as I was on my way to work. Planning on taking it in to get maintenance as it needs an oil change anyway. Is this indicative of a real issue with the battery or is it possible that the fan is at fault? The extended normal period after cleaning it makes me think it had something to do with it. There was a jacket blocking the fan vent when the message reappeared, so wondering if that may have caused it. Any advice or experience appreciated!
it's impossible to say. you really need the trouble codes read, then you can proceed with a solution.
I'd be a little surprised by a battery failure so early on a 2015. On the other hand, if you found the fan full of dust and garbage it is possible that the passages within the battery are also full, and the air still isn't getting where it needs to go. A jacket blocking the intake is a sure-fire way to upset the battery monitor, and left long enough will trigger that same "check hybrid system." Be aware that Los Angeles hosts several excellent independent hybrid repair shops- you have options other than the dealer. Good luck!
I just removed a jacket from in front of my vent after getting the same code. Should I try to have the code removed or will it go away on it;s own if that was the issue?
As mentioned i had them read and it was P0a80. that was before I cleaned the fan and received the message again about a thousand miles later. Would it show up any differently after the cleaning, or if that’s the issue rather than a full battery failure?
thank you for the helpful feedback! I was surprised as well, I’ve had no other issues leading up to this. Is there a way to get trhe battery itself checked out/cleaned? Or is replacement the only option?
I did a reset with the fuse because it freaked me out. Ive had a COOLING PERFORMANCEmessage go away on its own (after clearing vent obstruction) though. good luck!!
First things first- check & clean the fan. There are several youtubes showing exactly how. It's easy, you need a vacuum cleaner (the one at the carwash is fine) and about 10 minutes, and sometimes a flat-blade screwdriver helps with the plastic fasteners. If the fan is found to be clean or mostly clean, then I'd say your whole problem was just the computer getting upset about the jacket (or other cargo) blocking the air intake. Once reset, you're fine to keep enjoying the car.
how many miles on her? we've seen c batteries go at 80k or less. a clogged fan, coupled with borderline cells may have removed the error code for awhile, until the cell fell out of parameter again. as leadfoot mentioned, it would be worth opening the battery to check for cleanliness and corrosion. also, some people find corrosion on the fan electric connectors which can also throw the message. but yes, it is worth running the code again if possible. you never know if it will be the same or something new