I am back on this forum after 12 years and have the following to share about my 2005 Prius, which I bought new after being placed on a waiting list. I am using my personal maintenance record as I write this. No routine stuff like oil changes, filters, tires, etc. which I did myself and continue to this day. Here we go: Recall for steering shaft assembly, 43K miles; water pump and seal at 46K miles under warranty; spark plugs and coolant replaced, 93K miles; serpentine belt replaced, 142K miles; recall for electric water pump, 143K miles; replaced both headlights, 160K miles; catalytic converter replaced, 194K miles; replaced spark plugs, 212K miles; inverter fluid changed, 214K miles; replaced headlight leveling sensor switch, 218K miles; front brakes replaced 221K miles! ; rear struts replaced, 273K miles. Several oil changes later, I noticed the odometer was stuck at 299,999 miles, and I figured the last oil change was at about 301K miles. Went online to find this is common for these cars. I have always used the trip meter for oil change intervals, which I performed every 3-4K miles. Using this same method, I simply added the miles driven at each oil change to the 299,999 number. Based on this method, I currently show 310,204 miles!! Admittedly, this is just a rounded estimate, but I think it is close. Without a doubt, I can say this is the best car I have ever owned, and I've owned many. I have never replaced the battery pack or the 12V battery. How crazy is that? I had the car re-painted and some minor rust/body repair at 287K miles. In two years, I will be eligible for collector plates! I will be happy to answer any questions you folks may have. Cheers, and happy motoring!
Welcome back!! I agree with you--these Gen 2s are fantastic! You mentioned this in regard to the 299,999 odo: Went online to find this is common for these cars. The 2004 and 2005 models are limited to displaying only up to 299,999 then the odo stops advancing. This was changed in 2006-2009 models. One of my cars is a 2006 and shows almost 350k miles. If desired, you can get a 2006-2009 combination meter modified by @TexasHybrids for the 04-05 and install it in your dash. They will also program it to show your current miles.
Amazing! I think the most surprising thing is that 12-volt battery still being the original! I'm constantly testing my wife's 12-volt in her 2017 because, from past vehicles, they rarely last longer than 4-5 years in our temps here in the Rockies (From -20 to 100)
If you have an aux battery that's over 6 years old, yeah, the car will still run but the mileage will typically tell you it's time to replace - as mileage / efficiency drops because the car continues to try to keep the charge up by running the ICE more than it would otherwise need to.
You're probably right, although I have not seen any appreciable mileage drop except in winter, around 40 mpg. Still averages 55 mpg in summer. I accessed the 12V for the first time last week after the car wouldn't start. Corrosion had built up on the terminals. Wire brushed and cleaned, and a coat of dielectric grease. Problem solved.
hello 310K great so happy for you. owned 200k and 300k corolla and camrys with no problems at all. All l ever did was oil, brakes, and starter once now with my 200k and 140k Prius expecting to go the long way also thank you for the details. happy driving priusdotblog
Thanks for the gracious comment! I too had an '84 Camry wagon that rusted out at 280K. It still ran great though! UPDATE!! The 12V battery finally crapped out. I replaced it with a battery from NAPA. $200, but In my opinion well worth it. I mean, this battery lasted 18 years and over 300K miles!! The $ I saved makes me happy!
hello guys prius blog here. Had a 300k corolla that l drover of the lot. Now a 280k miles camry, and hoping to put as many into my 17 Prius. Still want to beat my bosses Honda record with reportedly close to 400k miles on it https://prius.blog/
This is one of my Gen 2s. 2006 model that my son has been using for about the last year or so. We traded a couple weeks ago and he now is driving my 2007 Touring while I do some maintenance and minor repairs to this one. Been using it as my daily driver. Took these photos just a few minutes ago when I got home from a Lowe's run. Dang, those photos sure make the dust look bad!
310K: So you said you do your own oil changes. What interval and what's your favorite oil and oil filter?