C1246 and C1364 with random 230 and 237 have working techstream need help

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by lunarkingdom, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. lunarkingdom

    lunarkingdom Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2022
    southern California
    2007 Prius
    Hey guys, facts first then the story if that is ok.

    ABS, break and ((i)) lights on and disabled regeneration/breaks and loud high pitched alarm so put techstream to the challenge and this is what it says:

    C1246 but no snowflake in techstream so no second code
    C1364 with 230 and after a drive a 237

    I am new so before I had techstream I purchased a very nice looking accumulator pump assembly on eBay for 400. From the codes I have thus far deduced that there is a front drivers side ABS sensor that needs to be replaced so I ordered one for 200 and it will be here tomorrow. I took the car for a quick drive to see if it popped up again and to my surprise the rear right hand one is now crying too. It seems like they are both connected (FL and RR) so it makes me wonder if it is something up the chain and not a sensor.

    The car has been lightly front end wrecked before and hidden damage was that the accumulator pump assembly plug waterproofing was broken so I changed the plug out with one from the scrap yard. There was a tiny bit of water inside the connector and the trouble started immediately after a car wash (groan yeah I know I have read over 1000 threads here before joining lol). I guess what I am getting at is since I changed the plug end and since have gotten techstream the problem goes away (problem was the pump running a lot, even I thought it was the accumulator module) but once I clear the codes and the only two codes that keep coming back (C1246 + C1364 230) the accumulator pump behaves like there is nothing wrong with it at all. Strong breaks and only turns on for a second every 5 or 6 pumps. I pulled the ABS fuses they were all good BUT that made the codes come back. I also cleared them again then took the FL ABS wheel sensor plug off and did an ohm reading and it was 1.646 ohms dang close to the 1.7 they recommend BUT when I put it back together it brought back the same codes yet again. I then lastly took it for a drive around the block and got the same codes (C1246 + C1364 237) but as you can see with the 237 RR sensor from driving.

    To me this says it is repeatedly (while stationary) the front sensor BUT how did driving it make the rear go off? As I said above I read that the RF+LR and the RR+LF are related to each other so one making the other go off kind of makes sense.

    Before I even started all of this I went through the breaks and did not touch the front they were brand new but I did replace the rear shoes as they were about half way worn down and I wanted to be sure it was not anything to do with the breaks before I started replacing whatever else was wrong with the braking system.

    Looking forward to your answers, I won't tell you about how it took me 2 days and 3 laptops to get techstream running. (oh wait I just did lol)

    Appreciate any and all help you can give me. Going to change the sensor tomorrow when it comes in.
    #1 lunarkingdom, Dec 29, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    That auto must be very dear to you dang that's a lot of soldering and taping I would have just put goop around the edge of the plug shoved it back in the hole let it dry and be done with it I think That's what I would do personally and then shortly after I imagine the car would be pretty much gone since it's been in a wreck and dealt with and all those sort of ways. And then here it sounds like by your description I have junk cars here in the yard that are in possibly better shape than what you're working on Not that that means anything. But when you can buy these whole rolling chassis for $600 many of them with silly things that no one even thought about get them running for next to nothing I just couldn't see spending a day soldering and taping personally but some people like that sort of work Not me I'd rather pull an engine out of a car seriously. But great job yeah check your wheel sensors I'm not sure about the $200 business I thought I just bought wheel bearings that had the wires with the plugs and all with them for I don't know $80 a pop 60 maybe I know what the Gen 3 my wheel bearings came with the sensors wiring and all that ready to push in the hole and plug up I think I have to go look at the receipt now or all of mine were good and I didn't need the fool with them leave them plugged up put in the new wheel bearings and go. On my Gen 2 I have several cars here with all of that stuff perfect on the cars they're just sitting there so why would use them before I bought new.
  3. lunarkingdom

    lunarkingdom Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2022
    southern California
    2007 Prius
    Update, it seems I can not initiate the linear valve offset nor the yaw procedures, following the instructions to the T, makes me think that the ABS module is not working properly, no sounds coming from it during the procedure and no lights flashing on the dash they stay solid. Leaning towards replacing the ABS accumulator module and see if the new one behaves.
  4. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    What I had to do to my '09 I had the dash lights on for a year and a half car drove and braked fine And after the new HV battery with still the brake Christmas tree lights on I was getting 47 one advertised miles so I don't think any brakes were dragging or anything like that and then all of a sudden bam nothing then I changed the accumulator pump assembly bled it without tech and have been driving ever since with no lights no nothing I didn't set any angle or yaw sensors or anything. Car driving like a brand new one so it sounds like you may be on to something
    lunarkingdom likes this.
  5. lunarkingdom

    lunarkingdom Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2022
    southern California
    2007 Prius
    Thought I would post todays events, I ended up swapping the ABS accumulator assembly since I bought one and nothing I did to the old one seemed to do anything and once I did at first I thought I had made a mistake as I tried to initiate the linear valve offset then the yaw procedures, and again no sounds coming from it during the procedure and no lights flashing on the dash they stay solid. At first I was bummed and then I decided I had nothing to loose by trying to bleed the system so I started up the "replaced accumulator air bleed" and it started responding so I went through the entire lengthy process which also bled all of the brakes. At that point I tried to initiate the linear valve offset procedure and it worked, I then set the yaw on a slight incline and it also worked. Once I was done there were no lights on the dash and I was starting to get excited. I took to for a ride and the red triangle of death came on. Long story short I think the hybrid battery is now toast but that's for another thread. Moral of the story, dont always believe your codes, they do mean something is wrong but could very well be caused by another problem like mine was.
  6. lunarkingdom

    lunarkingdom Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2022
    southern California
    2007 Prius
    Thought I would add, my wiring job worked perfect and the breaks are now 100% awesome and reliable (so far).
  7. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yes eventually all the problems kind of run together exactly
  8. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Right, the ECU does prevent certain operations until after bleeding. Any valve offset learned with air bubbles around would be bogus.