I have a 2018 Prius 3. This morning when I tried to start it, I got the message "Low 12 V Battery, make sure to park securely" message. The car did not quite start / allow me to shift gear if it started. I think I also saw a brief message something like "try starting at moderate temps". It looks like the battery has discharged completely due to bad weather. But, it did start fine on 24th when it was cooler than today (but I vaguely recall having seen a similar message that day which I ignored as it actually started). While I have had cold weather issues with respect to starting in my older non-hybrid cars, the situation was easy to handle, and I simply get a jump start and go to some shop and get it statically charged if needed. But I understand that the battery system is different in Prius and so I need to be careful. This is the first time I ever had this issue with this car. What should I do now. Here are some options that I can think of. 1. Just wait for temps to go up and it will start by itself. No need to do anything. 2. Do jump start myself using some other car. 3. Call emergency road side assistance (I don't have free one offered by toyota) and ask them for help. Thank you for your assistance.
Is it the original battery? It’s 4~5 years old, fairly typical failure time. Do you have a digital multimeter? I’d start by checking its voltage (with the car off), and post here.
It’s not recommended to use a Prius car to jump start another vehicle, but the other direction isn’t a problem, if done carefully. See “If the 12-volt battery is discharged,” Owner’s Manual (PDF), pages 729–734, or Toyota’s official video. The usual way people get into trouble here is to connect positive (+) to negative (–) or vice versa; there are many PriusChat threads about damage done by reverse-polarity jump starts. If you decide to replace the battery, the size is called LN 1, 140R, or H4, and it’s an ordinary “maintenance free,” flooded lead-acid battery, not an AGM battery like those in older Prius cars.
1) you can try that, if you can wait. it may or may not start. 2) you can try to jump start from another car, be careful not to cross pollinate the positive and negative connexions. 3) instead of paying for roadside assistance, spend it on a lithium rechargeable jump starter. if the car starts in one of these scenarios, drive to an auto parts store that offers free load tests. if it passes, you'll need to charge it. hey may do it. if not, buy a charger, or drive it (or leave it sitting in ready) for 8 hours. it takes a long time for the car to fully charge the battery. if you don't drive much, you will need to keep a battery maintainer on it to keep it from going flat. if you can't get the car to start, you'll have to pull the 12v and take for a charge and load test
Your Owners Manual gives some good instructions on jump starting your car with another vehicle in section 7.2, under If The 12 Volt Battery Is Discharged (page 646 in the one for my 2022). From the Warning Message I would assume the voltage is a bit low and would recover enough to start it when it gets warmer (not unusual for lead acid batteries).
Batteries do not "discharge" due to cold weather. But old batteries will lose capacity over time and will "self discharge" when just sitting. Low temps will further reduce the capacity WHILE COLD which will recover some when it warms. Regardless of which immediate option you choose, your second move should be to get a new battery. Your 3rd move should be to keep the battery charged with a tender type charger if you don't drive it very often.
It is the original battery that came with the car. So, it is close to being 5 years old (about 3 months less).. I don't have a digital multimeter.
Honestly, the Battery University (yes, it really exists) states that a 3 to 5 year lifespan is “normal”. Even renewable energy installations advise replacing lead acid batteries that have been “babied” every 5 years. Yes, they can last twice that or better, but 5 years is nothing to scoff at. Get it jumped, head over to your dealership and have them put a new one in (yes, you can get a cheaper one, but if it’s the Toyota recommended one and the dealership installs it, you have 2 full years where it is 100% Toyota’s headache, not yours).
That can be remedied. You don’t need expensive, and they have lots of uses. for a more in-depth assessment, there are DIY electronic load testers. Many automotive retailers selling batteries have pro level testers and will assess the battery for free, good for business.