Plenty of people addicted to alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. They can travel only because those chemicals are legal in much of the world.
"Have any of Russian detainees claimed that their luggage was stuffed?" Not known to me. That has little bearing on whether it could happen; my not-casual choice of word. If anyone wants to claim the opposite, that it could not happen, fine by me. "M pro sports players are seriously overpaid" I agree, but don't know what's to be done. Quit building palaces with tax revenue? As good a windmill to tilt at as any I guess. "differential is somewhat closer to 1/100th" Wow.
there are benefits to having a popular pro team in town, just like there are benefits to having a successful college team. the plusses and minuses have to be weighed. most income for pro teams comes from television rights, from what i've read. it's up to fans whether they want to spend money, and from what i've seen so far, it's an addiction that won't change easily, much like drugs
Player salaries are part of it, for sure, but they only get the mega-bucks because there's a demand for their product. ...sorta like hemp. It's not just the pros either. Trivia Question: Who is the highest paid government employee in the US? Answer: Whoever is the highest paid state college men's football coach. Nick Saban's paychecks (12-million per annum?) may be 'funded' in part by the millions of saps who wonder why their cable and streaming bills approach or are over three figures, but he's titularly an employee of the Great US State of Alabama, and his kids don't even get PAID....well unless they appear in ADs. Once upon a quaint time in America, you could tell the cable and phone companies to engage in self-fornication and use an antenna. You might get a bit of a snowy picture at times, BUT you could still watch the afternoon soaps. Now? With ATSC (digital) TV, that process is not entirely straightforward, is it? Heck...TV stations mostly don't even broadcast on the frequencies associated with their "channel" numbers. AND privacy hacks out there are going to juuuuust LOVE ATSC 3.0!! You can lament the injustices of it all you want to but at the end of the day sports pay differentials are what they are, because VIEWERSHIP is what it is. Yes. Even in Soccer. Don't like it? Don't watch.
So when the merchant of death is responsible for American deaths, we need to charge Biden with being an accessory to murder! Accessory to murder is a criminal offense whereby the perpetrator helps or assists a perpetrator before or after the commission of the murder. Normally, the person helping in the murder is not present at the commission of the crime. In most jurisdictions, the crime is a felony offense (as opposed to a misdemeanor) that can result in years in state prison. Under state criminal laws, being an “accessory” itself is an offense where a person aids in the commission of a felony. An accessory after the fact is a person who harbors, conceals, or aids another after that person has committed a felony. An accessory before the fact is a person who aids another before that person commits a felony.
I told the cable company to do that to itself 37 years ago, and have never regretted it. That was 4 moves ago, so not even the same company service area where I live now. ATSC was very straightforward, and greatly increased reception quality and channel count on my traditional analog antenna. It seems that the only things we are missing are cable news and more sports, i.e. nothing of value in this household. Whereas the lack of a cable bill does have value. A complete non-problem.
We only have antenna TV in our house. Have never had cable. I consider it a blessing we don't receive cable or syndicated news. On rare occasions we would watch the news it is always the Local News. Sports have gone by the wayside as I have aged - especially since many of the athletes began engaging in political commentary and actions - I am old enough to remember when basketball players were - basketball players- and talked about basketball - maybe ruined me for life on my expectations of sport personalities? We have purchased a subscription for our kids for Netflicks but the wife and I rarely watch it.
We can practice that legal process right now by charging and prosecuting P45! Try the seriously botched Covid response, leading to 6 figures of needless deaths. Or the February 2020 Doha Treaty, effectively a capitulation and give-away to the Taliban, including releasing 5,000 Taliban fighters back to them in exchange for just 1,000 Afghans held by the Taliban. Leading to the many U.S. and other deaths from the big bombing during the August 2021 evacuation, and very likely more. Why wait until Bout may cause some deaths? Prosecuting an ex-POTUS is difficult, we haven't done it before, despite many many events and actions that could qualify, so don't really know what it takes to be successful. If you want to get Biden later for potential future deaths, you should be practicing on P45 right now, with plenty of already known deaths, to iron out the process and its snags.
Actually, Russia tried to make a deal with Trump for the merchant of death for our Marine they have....Trump said heck no, not for 100 Americans they may have in jail. Last year, Russia offered Biden a trade for the Marine and the basketball player and Biden said his acceptance of this trade deal, with just the basketball player, seems to be pure political theater in order to get some "good news" in the press...something this incompetent and corrupt administration has been lacking. (America's political failures has made us the laughing stock of the world...even Russia media is mocking us for this lousy trade.)
Source? “On February 17, 2022, Griner was detained ” (WiKi) I am sure this is still 2022. If your source thinks she was arrested before 2022, what other false claims have they made? Bob Wilson
So you are claiming that Russia offered to trade Griner last year, months before she was taken into custody on February 17 of this year? Though it would be interesting to know why P45 is talking a lot about Whelan now, but was silent back when he was at the reins. Whelan was captured December 28, 2018, still the first half of P45's administration.
As mentioned before they'd be mocking us for the lousy trade even if it was a good trade. The Rooskies have a media that's very VERY intolerant of contrary opinion. If that sounds familiar? Consider the CCP. ...and others... Freedom of Speech was the first of the Bill of Rights for a dang good reason! These rights are not randomly ordered. The human animal does not enjoy all forms of speech, and 1884 and Brave New World were NOT supposed to be "how-to" manuals. (*) Two things CAN be true at once. Griner's release can be completely politically motivated. They're not even hiding the ball on this one, if you consider what bill was recently signed into law by the current administration. It can also be true that it a good thing that she's back safe and sound and on the ground. As far as others? Well we can always double down on arming the Ukies.
It actually wasn't #1 on the originally submitted list. It was #3. Arms were #4. The original #1 was never ratified, and is now obsolete. #2 took two centuries to get ratified, getting renumbered as #27. So the original #3-12 ended up renumbered as #1-10. The meaningness, or randomness, of the original ordering remains a matter of debate.