I have a 2007 Prius with the ccm cat security shield. I need to replace the downstream o2 sensor but the shield blocks access to it. I had it on the lift in my auto shop class. I have my last class session and the new o2 sensor in hand. Anybody know a solution to access the o2 sensor? Seems like a bad design flaw. Maybe I could unbold the 4 screws ant the front and bend the shield down, then bend it back when done. I don’t want to completely remove the shield because of the rivets and the hassle of trying to put it back on with limited knowledge time and tools.
It is deliberately made to be difficult to access. The rear O2 sensor is right by the front catalytic converter. You could always design and install a service hatch that did not compromise the overall security of the catalytic converters.
Sorry, late to the party. You can just take a 1/2 inch drill bit to drill the heads off the rivets. The shield should come down and just rivet it back into place. When I installed my shield, I installed it with security screws and dropped the bit in my glove box. It's in the little baggie with my lug nut security bit.