I was performing the EGR cleaning, spark plug replacement, and coolant exchange. (First time this was done on my car at 216k mi. My spark plug were OEM original from 2012. The EGR cooler was completely clogged to the point where I just replaced it. The intake was filled with about an inch of oil. The PCV valve got replaced as well.) While trying to get to the EGR cooler bolts and studs at the back, some of my tools fell down on this thin metal shield that covers the cooling heat exchanger. Well, while I was on the drive right after the job, it started flapping and finally came off. Its held in by four plastic clips that I had just replaced a couple of weeks ago when I did my oil change. Is this shield necessary?
^ This one? I’m seeing it for $14 something CDN, plus about the same amount through shipping, through Amayama.
Mine has none of the plastic undercovers. Possibly a risk of damage from large road debris....but I've been driving it this way for 6 years.....and some will say it affects gas mileage due to "air flow" but I average 53.xx year round. 55-56 in summer and right at 50 winter.
I'd get it. There's a school of thought, not unreasonable, that all this stuff is superfluous. I just don't subscribe to it, figure if Toyota put something on I'm gonna try to preserve/maintain it. Are the fasteners missing as well?
Yes. If it's a Toyota, why not keep it a Toyota. They last so long for a reason. Yes, they are mising. I just put four new fasteners on a few weeks ago because it was barley hanging on. I guess it needs something stronger to hold it on.
Well, maybe I should have looked before I spoke. The metal shield is there, but a plastic cover is hanging down and looked pretty scraped up. So I don't know what it was or what fell off, but I will have to put it up on ramps and look later.
This attached pic (kudos to the person who posted here, years back) shows 'em all; well except the very front one. I have an ongoing repair project with that frontmost one, the first black piece, just aft of the coloured plastic bumper: it snags on curb stops, then half-tears itself to bits when you back off. Also, the attached pdf has info on the main engine underpanel, and it's fasteners.