As the weeks slide by I think some innocence drifts away . At first the way is I don't want to harm the Baby but real world & earning is non stop . So for the interest to express the Good and the bad time to give credit to the Gen 2 The Job of my Prius is to get me to work . On time is up to the human to practice organization I am not perfect most often I am on schedule & thoses time I be on the open road 60 to 65 MPH Then the other times , Wake up late . 70 mile HYW drive todo , out the door 6:20 objective 7AM be at job 10 of those miles not hwy so 45 MPH . Finally on the HWY 65 MPH soon enough the pack arrives & I'm with the pack speed builds 70 80 85 The Prius flows along with them 95 yes but fear of cops I ease up but some HWY straights 90's Yes i've seen 100 (just curious) I never have to floor the car just nudge the peddle & wait the car builds & builds vevy smooth no effort . So that's the dirt The Prius has Hart
I just give myself the time to do . WhatI i need to do. Yes I am always speeding . But it's not jailsble And cops have issues pulling over these slow pieces of well ya know . Their buddies even harang them at the Dunkin' donuts which I'm at quite a bit and get to hear this conversation live sometimes join in It is hysterical
================== I just give myself the time to do . What I need to do. Thanks I think I will try that as a Montra We are here to chat and learn ------------------------- Well obviously on the road a keen eye out for what's up front ( the PoPo ) cars of a certain look from the rear , that keep up or over take you , can be pacing your speed Yes a Gen2 has an invisibility to the police but if plain as day you put in the Face 90 MPH As a Prius owner what can you say ....... See many cars 90-MPH is like Oops!!! take er down & like this darn car keeps sneaking up on me . The Gen2 fulfils the need if 7am is the Goal . But white knuckled & 100% I feel the speed I know I am 3 sheets to the wind & the day of the stop , the policemen can say What color are your knuckles sir.?
i leave on time and drive the speed limit, it usually works, unless i hit an accident or construction. my car has never seen 70, except as they pass on the left, she's not jealous
I see when I keep on time I drive under 70 in this car . I must organize Id rather not die based on sleeping late
On the highway/interstate, If I want to be naughty and speed over the posted limit, I will go with the flow of the traffic, and sneak my car in the middle of the chain of cars going and ensure that my car is not the last car in the chain of cars flowing, in order to avoid the cops from giving me a ticket. If the cop intends to stop one of the speeding cars, the cop will stop the last car in the chain of cars going, but not the one that is in middle of the chain. No? I've never received a speeding ticket, that way.
Tactics , middle appears the safest Front first to get hit last still better then front as a keen eye allows a slow down but have to drop down in gear , in a prius would be B and hope it's gets you down break lights are a give away inn some case cops have pulled over many in a pack
they don't give speeding tickets around here anymore. in fact, the police have mostly given up on fighting crime, and pols frown on it. easier to sit in the back of a parking lot and surf the net
Don't be too lax on speeding though. I was going through Sherwood up here in Oregon on 99W, and got a speeding ticket through a traffic light camera! Apparently it's a known red light and speed camera intersection for locals. No warning speed signs, and you're going 55 mph for over 4 or 5 miles beforehand, and then come to this traffic light and you're supposed to be at 35 mph. Complete speed trap/money maker for that city.