So yea, my mechanic friend dug straight to it, and had it out in less than 10 minutes. We put a piece of foam over the front and shoved some under that little bracket piece on the back, then gorilla taped it, and threw it back in.... I was very confident that it was going to quiet it way down, but to my disappointment, it hardly did anything ☹️ Here soon I'll be taking the car in for it's 5000 mile service. And I'll see if I can get them to dial it back. Someone here said it has a 1, 2, or 3 loudness settings, and they usually come set to 3 from the factory. If they either won't drop it down to the lowest setting, OR they do and it's still to loud, I'm going to remove that stupid thing and put in a 3 ohm resistor to stop the pop up message from bugging me. Not trying to make it dead silent, but that ugly mechanical scraping sound is just hideous.
Well .....that's interesting (assuming you are talking about the pedestrian warning) ......I have a 2017 & have NEVER heard there some particular situation needed to trigger it? .......
Well, I could hear it in my 2019, but it's much louder in my 22 ☹️ And it's a really awful sound too. It sounds like some kind of metal part scraping or grinding. Kind of embarrassing really. I'm sure people think .. "Look at that brand new Prius already malfunctioning...." Well no. But it sure sounds like it. Oh, what do you have to do to trigger it ? Put it in reverse... Or drive, up to 15mph, as long as the gas motor isn't running. I think reverse is the loudest though...
all toyota hybrids have had them since 2012. but until the law kicked in more recently, they were adjustable. now, they are set to the required decibels
And that's what concerns me. I'm hoping I can get Toyota to dial it back a little, but I can see them giving me some crap about liability... Yada, yada.. At which I'll just have to take matters in my own hands. But I really don't want to completely remove it.. Only to quiet it down by about 80%....
I wish I had had some extra sound deadener. We just used closed cell foam and tightly wrapped it with Gorilla tape. I really expected it to make a bigger difference Oh yeah, and sound deadener already has super sticky adhesive, so no tape required.... might bring a sheet of it next time I go to see my mechanic.
I can't hear my 2019's speaker. I got lucky, or I didn't get lucky and instead became deaf over my lifetime (which I have). least a few hearing tests needed in this thread. And the right way to quiet a speaker/beeper/dinger without removing it is to fill it with glue. Sometimes that means drilling a hole for access, sometimes it means getting a fresh box of hot glue sticks. But it works.
I had to redo mine a second time, too. What I ended up doing was buying a roll of gray pipe insulation that had one side pre-glued and wrapped it around ALL sides of the little speaker. At first, I used too much and couldn't get it back in but took off a layer and squeezed it in, got it re-bolted and plugged in, and now you can barely hear anything. (My wife's 2017 doesn't have some sort of government requirement on hybrids/EV's but I've noticed the noise from Tesla's are WAY quieter...the loudest I've heard is from RAV4 Hybrids....ridiculously loud.)
Talk about regulators, manufacturers, and customers, all working at cross-purposes. Reminds me of the present state of gas cans.
Yes, have you seen those insane "safer" nozzles on the new gas cans? Good grief, you need 5 hands to get the stupid thing to work...