It's time again! Artemis' cryo tanking is supposed to begin right about now. Launch window opens in about 10.5 hrs in case any of you want to stay up late.
Cryo fueling continues with no disclosed problem. Big candle should be lit on time. Y'all got it that Artimis III lunar people-landing depends on Musk Starship refueling later in earth orbit? That space going has become interwoven???
Got a couple of links I'd like to post, but the website stalls, won't post. Just doing a test post. @Danny? I can pm the links, or whatever. Gives youtube links. For most of the world, those will let you see this event.
If tanking cryos fails again, this won't be the day. Dang. Side-stick solids have been waived past design life already, and with more delays?. This is a mess. Time to go, or go and blow. Only 3 dummies on board. Art II will offer the real dummies. Brave men/and/or women one and all.
Build from leftover shuttle parts, this is one where I won’t cry if it ends early. Starship 14 engine test reveals serious pad damage from concrete facing the Raptor engines. This is a hard problem as seriously hot, Mach speed gassed take a 90 degree turn. It is solvable with deep tunnel underneath. Bob Wilson
I'm just getting back to this conversation. Been a busy week. It wasn't loud enough to wake me up over here on the west coast of FL. I'm glad they finally managed to fix all the stuff that was screwed up and get it on its way. I really didn't expect them to pull it off so I didn't stay up to see if I could see it. It seemed like there was no limit to the stuff that wasn't done right, plus the weather issues.
Splash. A heavy re entry vehicle came in pretty fast, successfully. The skip re entry was pretty neat, intended to keep G force survivable when lucky astronauts get to ride it next time.