With the Prius I discover a new world . If you ever had your car run out of fuel . You catch on as you walk for fuel & cars wisk by , now your a walker , not a driver your One with the street , With a twist the Prius causes the driver to be , One of purpose . The reason to have such an auto , simply put You Become One Of Them . who is THEM ? A driver who wants to save money in a car that will deliver MPG Like going home I have a 12 mile state RT road up hill . my truck IC motor offerd no technique 50 MPH = 12 MPG - 25 MPG = 13 MPG - completely not practicable yet the Prius if I settle down at 41 / 42 MPH the Hybrid system chugs up the road doing its thing IC motor & Electric motor back and forth to deliver high mileage that is real . Go 60 MPH , MPG still good enough but now the electric motor stays more dormant . It pays to just relax , slow it to the sweet speed spot for really good MPG .With other results First ) If I drive for MPG people want to run you off the road . Second ) If I drive normal people want to drive you off the road Third ) If I drive strong people still want to run you off the road I've never seen with such consistency how people Love to run up your Butt in a Prius had a tractor trailer get so close till he shifted lanes. Its kinda unnerving What's the deal of the Prius why are we such targets ?
Not sure about the G2's but the G3 (turd gen) is shaped sorta like a door stop. Unlike some other cab-forward cars, it's a hatchback which means that (a) you get to count all of the interior volume and call your compact car a "mid sized" car, and (2) there's not two feet worth of trunk and rear bumper behind the rear glass. What this means is that, despite what it says on the copilot's rear-view mirror, objects are not as close as they appear to be. That....and Priuses have a reputation as traffic plugs, so sometimes people think that they're driving more slowly than they appear to be. YMMV
I never experienced anyone trying to run me off the road when driving my Prius. I suspect you are drawing conclusions from coincidence. Friends of mine have experienced being run off the road while driving cars other than a Prius. It happens, which is a sad state of affairs. The world has also gotten more enraged. More people have shorter fuses and it has become more acceptable to lash out.
after 18 years of prius, i have a pretty good feel for how close cars are to me. they do tend to stay right on the bumper if you're going the speed limit in the right lane. if they're really enraged, they swerve back and for to let you know. and of course, they sometimes pass over a double yellow line. in my dakota, they tend to stay well back. why? because prius represents everything that's wrong with the world to them
Run off road is a matter of a statement ( i'd rather say On My A.... ) But tonight just driving along & like clock work on my bumper tonight going 40 MPH in 45 on 2 lane road so no need be on my bumper & i'm in the right lane & i'm watchin a honda accord guy getting close & closer about 4 ft to bumper for the first time in my life and I'm not a proponent of it But I break checked him Never once in my chevy pickup experience this car discrimination
Nothing personal, but a lifetime of experience says doing 40 in a 45 will get your bumper ridden every day of the week, no matter what you're driving. That's just reality.
Somebody brake checked me one time. I rear-ended her. The cop cited her with a summons and she got named in box one. My car was totaled and her insurance company paid me for my car
Happens all the time. Around here you can be doing the same twenty over the limit as everyone else and some fool in a superduty is going to lose his mind trying to pass you on a double yellow in front of the daycare.
Just for clarity my Break check was a fake break check I was steady at speed & with left foot lit up lights just made the other driver Think . Here's a fact .when driving - three seconds of space between a driver and all other surrounding vehicles.. I am not in favor of messed up driving road rage type . If a fool driver tail gates like really on the bumper . 3 seconds of space` is not followed ,in my time it was one car length per 10 MPH about 85 feet in a 45 MPH zone . A cat runs across a road . Oh my !! gut reaction slow down , The tailgater driver can not prove otherwise . My life long rule , Always leave distance , no matter what direction going I want distance . Going 10-mph under is legal BTW
I would call that flashing the brake light (something I do infrequently), not brake checking (something I don't). Well, I actually do real brake checks to test winter traction in dicey conditions, but not when other vehicles are anywhere close, following or oncoming. That rule of one car length (defined as 20 feet in my state, nevermind most cars being closer to 15 feet) per 10 mph, translates to just 1.36 seconds of space, not 3 seconds. Your 85 feet at 45 mph translates to 1.29 seconds. If you want 3 seconds at that speed, you need 198 feet. I was taught a defensive driving minimum of 2 seconds, in daylight on dry pavement, which means 176 feet at 60 mph. When more is reasonably available, use it. But busy highways are commonly packed much more densely, which is how we get 50+ car pileups. Just be sure to take turnouts when too many vehicles are stuck behind without adequate safe passing opportunities.
if anyone in government cared, we wouldn't be having nearly as much of this and other driving problems
_____________________ your info is verbatim from you , mine is the Net , I trust yours as golden rule 3 seconds is a long time id say i see people do that like ....I Can't even remember ....... like when see it .......... its Like look at that , they be far !!
Greater following distance is good for mpg, allows you to coast through more slow downs with need to touch the brakes (which robs you of momentum). It's a doubly good tact when you've got a tailgater, for a couple of reasons: 1. Less chance you'll need to hit your brakes abruptly. 2. The big gap in front of you might tempt them to pass. I find when I've got a tailgater, for my peace of mind I need to at least partially "put them out of my mind". Even though I know it's dangerous having them there, you're better off if you can manage to keep your cool. And use the tactics @fuzzy1 suggests, using pull-outs and whatever opportunities, to get them on their way, out of your life.
Translating from miles-per-hour to feet-per-second is a very simple units conversion. From there, it is very easy to compute distance covered in a given time. No need to trust "the Net" or any person. 1 mph = (5280 ft/hour) / (3600 sec/hour) = 1.4666... ft/sec.
------------------------ True Said I will adjust attitude as this car type adds a new demission. Like today took out the 2011 silverado (work erends) The Big Black truck with rust & dents no tailgating with that truck - & well yeah go-ahead . There is this vulnerable feeling in a Prius haven't even bothered to look up crash ratings but I'm wondering
More -- IIHS: 2008 Toyota Prius 2022 Toyota Prius NHTSA: 2008 TOYOTA PRIUS 4 DR FWD | NHTSA 2022 TOYOTA PRIUS 5 HB FWD | NHTSA
You back paddled very nicely in this conversation however it's pretty clear that you brake-checked somebody.