After reading multiple threads I decided to have a go at upgrading my existing 57031 with the XM ready 57032 HU. Using the threads I was able to track down the part number for the NAV antenna but I cannot find the part number for the OEM satellite Tuner module that goes under the seat. I've searched ebay and there are several listed for "toyota" or "lexus" but none that seem to be listed for the Prius. Does anyone know what the correct part number is for the OEM unit that would work for a 2015 Prius 2? I want to keep the install strictly OEM. Thanks in advance for any input.
One thing, satellite radio might be going the way of the dodo. I rather hope it does. Our 2010 Canadian Prius Touring model came stock with the XM tuner, we gave it a try, told them expressly we didn't want auto-renew. Welp, that's what they did, and it took a pay call to their US offices, to get it stopped, and they were working hard to ensure I didn't. By luck I'd changed credit card number, which was likely the trump card in the back-and-forth we had. Those guys are OILY. Regarding the product itself: up here (just north of 49th parallel) the reception is spotty, reliably interrupted by tall buildings, trees, rock bluffs. We developed a "sing along game", to fill in the blanks. Where you are in the States is likely a factor, I'd think the further south the better. Also, the content is getting increasingly commercial radio in nature.
Thanks for the feedback. Very good point. I am using Bluetooth now but lose mobile internet for the majority of my trip. I already have the upgraded HU and the NAV antenna so figured I would do the XM at the same time. Thanks again!
Searching on ebay I see many part numbers for various versions of the receiver/tuner module. 86180-0E011 86200-47010 86180-35050 86200-47040