I recently replaced both the CV axles in my '07 due to them making noise when turning, etc. I went with TrakMotive, which I thought would be ok since they are a customer favorite on Rockauto. I've got the dreaded thunk when accelerating from a stop and there seems to be some rubbing/imbalance on one (both?) of them. There seems to be a little movement on them, but I don't have anything to compare with since I didn't check the originals. They were fairly easy to replace (after doing wheel bearings, anything will be easy!). I think rather than messing around with it, I'll just stick with OEM. To confirm, I want OEM parts 4341047020 and 4342047020? I want to make sure I get the complete assembly. The site mentions inboard/outboard so I just wanted confirmation before ordering. Thanks.
Yeah you buy one in board and one outboard if you're buying set to do one axle. So you'll need two of each two inboard two outboard Don't mix them up The dreaded clunk I don't know I have dreaded clunks throughout the range of any of the business applying brakes not applying the brakes and accelerating etc and most of my clunking and noise is in my struts possibly wheel bearings and lower ball joint. I replace strut upper mount ball joint wheel bearing all at one time and that only takes about 50 minutes aside without a lift The fronts are a lot easier than the rear is generally speaking as far as the wheel bearings go The rest of the front end stuff is normal and falls out in your hand maybe not in the rust belt. But I consider it a very easy car to do this type of work on.
The more I looked around, the more it seemed like I can't get a complete OEM unit like you can with aftermarket. Are there any videos or writeups on how to "rebuild" a CV axle? I guess I could always get aftermarket axles at a local parts place so I can just take it back and exchange if I have issues...
Be sure to purchase 'new', and not 'rebuilt'. You may also notice the new part costing less than the rebuilt option.
After looking into it some more and realizing I'd have to get left/right inner/outer and figure out how they go together if I went OEM, I'll probably just try local aftermarket so I can return/exchange if I have issues. Annoying, but at least it is a fairly easy job. Although having to top off the transmission every time is slightly annoying.
Figured I'd follow up for posterity. I ended up going with Duralast Gold CV Axle 10307N/10308N that I could source locally from AutoZone. Just about double what I paid from RockAuto. Figured the premium was worth it as I could just exchange if I ran into any more issues. It's been a few months and a few thousand miles and they seem good enough. No immediate clunking like the first set. I'm not sure they're as well balanced as OEM because it does seem to be a bit noisier, but nothing alarming. Just trying to keep the car running as long as possible, so these will do.