Hey all! So I’m getting the ol’ Red Triangle of Death on my 2011 gen3 (USA) I’m posting two pictures of the dr Prius graphs. I started up the car and had like 60% SOC. I turned on the AC and headlights and the SOC dropped to 16% almost immediately. That’s the first picture. Looks like block 14 is not a happy friend. The second picture I did the stomp on the gas a brakes at the same time in drive thing and showed weird readings on blocks 1,8, and 14. I’m highly suspicious of those 3. What do y’all think?
It would be helpful to start by finding out why the triangle is on. Have you read the trouble codes yet?
How many miles on the HV battery? Is the HV battery still an untouched OEM? Has it ever been grid charged or balanced before?
Well you're at 11 years old and when you're 11 years started. When your car was built things were changing rapidly so maybe your battery is one of those things that was changing rapidly manufacturing process is whatever I don't know doesn't matter like my '09's battery lasted 20 years yeah luck of the draw okay and you're 11 battery has lasted 11 years possibly luck of the draw or possibly things changing in manufacturing composition whatever who knows. Which is seemingly to me par for the course you're having to deal with this at a much earlier date. Seems kind of logical to me as we progress forward more everything costs more not because it just does because it's engineered in you look at buying a Tesla all these thousand-dollar door handles and front end suspension parts that do break even if it's rarely some of these Tesla people are putting $10,000 a year into their cars out of warranty in maintenance and repairs. I see people here bitching about spending $5,000 after going 270,000 miles. So I find this quite like a comedy show I'm looking for Dave Chappelle to come around the corner any minute The day I spend 10 grand a year for something like the likes of the Tesla to sit in my driveway yeah I know where I'll be called dead but my daughter do that stuff
Module pairs 1, 8, and 14 all need attention. Looking carefully at the chart below, you will see single modules with ever so slightly lower voltages, the first discharge says it all. Pack is dated 10/2003.