Well at 250,000 I just put 2 new tires on the rear because of "excessive" ware on my passenger rear and figured I would get an alignment. They got it close to perfect but said they would need to do some shim work on the rear to get it perfect and the right front needs the strut holes elongated to get enough room to make passenger front perfect. Will be doing tire rotation every 4000 miles when I do oil changes to see how ware is but was wondering if you guys thought $70 per tire (so times 3 for both rear and passenger front) would be worth the effort. It drives fine but it did "eat" the pass rear after about 38,000 miles. (Driver rear was below able to pass inspection pass rear actually was cord exposed for 2 inch)
it's unusual (though not unheard of) to align the rear. you'll have to weigh the costvs the price of tires after another 40k. worn to cord showing at 38k isn't necessarily an alignment issue, you have to watch tracking and look for uneven tire wear or cupping
I can get close to 40K out of cheap Ukrainian made tires and they're actually pretty decent and for like 40 bucks a pop that's not too too bad they don't generally wear too funny either I take them all the way down to the treadware indicators and a few more days.
Yeah hold on a minute I'll get it for you I get them off Amazon and they're an Italian name primiori and I see him on eBay too The ukrainian-made tires they look pretty good the tread looks nice it's nothing special but for the money it seems they're pretty reasonable I've had way worse