Hello I've had my 2004 prius for 2 years. It now has 240k miles and been a good car. I purchased it in San Diego, ca. (Perfect climate) and now it lives in riverside, CA ( desert type hot climate) 103 degrees out today. I recently got code P0A80 so I bought a obd connector and dr. Prius app and it says I have a battery life expectancy of 28 percent after doing the apps test. I'm pretty clueless on how to interpret the other data. I've been researching batteries and company's and was wondering your thoughts on hybrid2go vs green bean. Also wondering if my old battery would be a good canidate for the prolong grid charge/discharge setup. I'm sure you're all sick of answering this type of question but I've spent about 10 hours researching which route to go and I'm more undecided than when I started!
grid charging will not fix the bad modules in your pack. I have green bean replaced my hv battery on my Camry 4 years ago and it's still doing great. you could try replace the bad modules with a better one and use a grid charger to balance them. This is a cheaper route but if not done properly could result in another replacement (wack-a-mole) I wouldn't mine spending $1500 on a reconditioned battery if you think your prius has a long way to go. I sold 2 prius to my friend and they have 250k+ miles and still running fine..
Thanks for the information. I think im going to pass on the grid charger setup. Im pretty mechanically inclined, just don't need another "thing" to mess around with. I want to get a new HV battery and forget about it. Ive seen brand new Toyota OEM HV Batteries under $1700 which sounds good, just not in stock anywhere around me in Southern California. Is there a faster/better way to check Toyota parts stock than calling dealerships 1 by 1?
Appreciate the info. been seriously considering hybrid2go. From my research they look like a newer company with no posted location addresses which is a red flag for me. Always worries me they won't be around in a few years to take care of there "lifetime" warrantys. Either way I'm gonna need to make a decision pretty soon here.
Prolong can eat a dong. I called them once asking about battery tech and they acted like I wasn't worth 30 seconds of explaining something. Not to mention they charge $60 a pop for modules which is twice as high as everyone else, they have repeatedly raised prices of their tech over the years which is less about inflation and more being greedy.
hybrid2go gets a great rec from member @ericbecky who owns a hybrid shop. he visited their location at one time. give him a call, he is extremely knowledgable and helpful