Got an actual link, or are we just suppose to go to Wyoming and drive around and ask if anyone knows where the Prius auction is? Sounds kinda dangerous? Maybe you're trying to lure Prius owners into a red state setup/honeypot? And yes we can travel great distances with very little gas and we may well be your only hope, but if I had the opportunity to talk to your honeypot mastermind boss I'd tell him that you provided no way to participate in the auction; you didn't understand the assignment!
PS: I google cofart to find out more and ended up at this website. Is this the correct one? Can I buy Prius auction here?
Could have sworn I posted the link. Edit: what the heck, the link disappears when I hit reply.
Hail damage, not just "a couple of dents". Look closely at the 4th picture, of the hood. Not a deal breaker if a person cares not at all what the car looks like.
Just take a visit down south as in the southeast United States you'll find billions of them down here people don't even like them because they don't have a 454 big block in them and can't run the 0 to 60 times if they can't manage to do because of the traffic anyway you see people here sitting in trucks that are 9 ft off the ground that need a ladder to get their old lady out with That's what's happening here so Priuses are in abundance in about any price range you might want to get into too I don't bother much with Carfax reports and all that I just look at the vehicles for what they are Carfax reports can be jacked too
i imagine as the case is now, some people buy them when gas prices are high, then let them sit when prices come back down, so they can go back to their land yachts
Also. Had no idea 73k miles or whatever would be considered “low” - but consider my other car is an 2020 MX-5, and those guys are super crazy about low mileage Miatas from the 90s and go for big $!
Same nonsense here in Iowa. I see so many beefy trucks, duallys, 3/4 tons, diesels, etc that cost upwards of $90,000...and the most payload the bed of the truck might see is a few bags of garden soil for the wife. If I needed a truck, I'd own one, but so many people really don't. I know several friends and relatives with them who are happy to haul stuff for me..and I really only need a truck maybe 2-3 times a year, doesn't justify the mpg they get. The other thing that pisses me off...people modify their diesel trucks to "roal coal" which is the most obnoxious douche-baggiest thing you can do with a truck. Should be 50 state illegal to modify your diesels pollution control system.
Lots of things can happen. I know a couple people who own a 2nd vehicle just for long trips, and it might get 3,000 miles a year put on it. That Prius in auction only would of had an average of 4314 miles a year put on it, or 12.84 miles per day. It's also possible whoever owned it was retired (a lot of auctions are of items of people who have passed away), and only drove it to town and back once a day, 6 miles one way. Looking at the carfax records, it had 68,865 miles on it when it was serviced last in 10/2018, meaning it's only had 4470 miles drive on it in the last about 4 years. It's also been 16 months since registered. So this definitely sounds like a car that sat while gramps was probably on his last leg in the nursing home. Service records indicate no major work has been done, so it most likely has the original suspension, brakes, etc unless done at an independent shop or a chain like Midas. (Car fax only shows dealer service records). I'd be wary of the hybrid battery, but you could always email the auctioneer and see if any lights are on the dash.
But the improved aerodynamics! Lol, mythbusters actually golf-balled a car and said it helped it's drag substantially.