Apparently CO2 in the subs is allowed to exceed 11,000 ppm, which is quite a lot. To my surprise oxygen is also allowed to decrease a lot. It is not immediately obvious which one affects the brain more or sooner. Studies I've seen that measure cognitive and other processes increase CO2 but do not also decrease O2. They might be missing something... Anyway 'just needing to vent' thread title came around again.
Ummm...maybe? Pulse oximeters are fun for hobby medicine If you can't hit '95' I'd say go back down to base camp. As this is 'talk about anything' Fred's, pulse oximeters have recently been found to overestimate blood O2 levels in dark-skinned people (not your problem I guess). I actually tested that non-contact IR thermometers were accurate for high-melanin skin. Spookily so. But did not check pulse ox. So, my 'vent' is dismay at not testing obvious hypotheses. Actually, people around here are very bad at waiting properly in queues. Sometimes it makes me laugh out loud. How's that for a vent?
In Florida d******* who are about to make a right turn start up by turning left consequently instead of making a 90° turn to make a right it becomes 110° and they upset the chassis and jerk their car around and make people feel like they're going to get hit in the next lane. Other people pull in to a parking lot partially only to almost come to a stop with the butt of their car sticking out with the obvious ideology that it's not their fault if they get rear-ended
“Allowed to exceed…” That actually made me laugh a little. Even (or ESPECIALLY!) in these gentile times, submarines are often regarded as combat vessels. I didn’t ‘own’ the atmospheric monitoring equipment on my boats, they were maintained by another department, but it lived in the Control Center and the readouts were visible to anyone who wanted to see. Anyone who has watched Apollo 13 knows that BOTH O2 and CO2 can be something of a ‘thing’ in confined spaces. Those guys may have “needed to vent” too…but they really REALLY tried hard NOT to. They were three beans in a can the size of a minivan, so the math was different for them than it is for submarines which also have something of a confined atmosphere. Subs may also “need to vent” but sometimes they cannot for one reason or other. You might be below the surface and playing tag or hide and seek with one of your neighbors. You might be helping one of your neighbors pick up trash and you don’t want to make a big deal about it. You might find yourself under a bunch of thick ice, or you might be playing in a neighbors back yard and you don’t want to disturb them….not that we would ever go someplace where we were uninvited or not allowed. I’m just speaking hypothetically. Making O2 is easy as pie, if a little risky. The recipe is really simple, the ingredients are abundant, and electricity is not a problem either. HOWEVER (comma!!) if you have a bunch of hydrocarbons and/or other interesting things laying around you might not want your O2 levels at 20.5 percent. I’m thinking that people in places Ike Aspen get along quite well with levels much lower than that. Unlike spacecraft there are several ways for a boat to “vent” if things get a little ‘stuffy.’ Submarines have nuclear powered fans, a ‘low pressure’ blower, and the MOST important piece of damage control gear - a fairly large diesel engine. As it turns out, you do not normally want to use your high pressure system air to blow out the ballast tanks to go topside. It takes time and energy to put all of that air into those flasks and you might need it for other things, like seeing another birthday. SO… we normally drove the boat up to the surface and used a low pressure blower to draw outside air to blow out the ballast tanks. This ALSO means you can use it to replace the atmosphere in the people tank. If you want to do it FASTER and you don’t care about how much noise you make, or diesel fuel you use, or if the air is really REALLY “stuffy” you can use the diesel (snorkel.) It wasn’t Gene Hackman, but rather it was those old diesel boat sailors that used to say that they didn’t trust air that they couldn’t see. In the old DBF days it was not unheard of for the o2 level to be low enough to not be able to light a match. I’m just guessing but the CO2 levels might have also “been allowed to” go higher than 11,000 ppm. HOWEVER (comma!) that was before OSHA and Chevron deferences….
That happened to me a few weeks ago. And then he acted all PO'd because I wouldn't make an illegal left turn in front of his car that was already half way through its right turn. Meanwhile, the next light has changed and cars are charging toward me three abreast. What should have been a "no-time-at-all" routine thing became a 10-15 second heart stopping adventure. Thankfully, he finally got out of the way in time. On the TR outlets. A friend and I just installed over 50 non-TR ones last week. I'm not aware of anyone actually installing TRs.
This last time, I actually did just shrug and complete the left illegally in front of him. Seemed the easiest way to un-mess the mess. Of course it probably left him just thinking he'd been right and I was turning in front of him all along. Oh well.
I've made a terrible mistake! I was watching release videos on the Toyota Crown and my wife walks by, looks at it and asks, "What's that?" "That's the new model just released into North America called the Toyota Crown." She sits down and watches it with me, sees the Crown colored like the rose gold color, and she says, "I want one, that one!" Houston, we have a problem!!!!
Yep, it's not going to happen anytime soon but, when I do retire, we'll go from having a Tundra and two Priis to just the Tundra and one other I'd probably get rid of the Priis and get her Crown for her. (I need my Tundra to pull our camper around and I can't ever see myself without a pickup first was a 1992 Ford F-150!!)
We use the icloud and have the app loaded up on our ancient Desktop Computer which struggles to run Windows 10. When they need to access their iphone photos they can with the Desktop by going to the icloud. I am assuming they could then select and save any photos to the Desktop from the icloud.
Yeah I have have iCloud, and iCloud Drive. And that’s what I finally resorted to. My windows pc would “lose” the wired connection to the phones (both mine and my wife’s) after just a few minutes, hopeless. On iCloud I selected the max 1000 images at a time, and downloaded as zip files to the pc. Sadly, creation dates get lost in the copy, they all have current date. Similar solution for Voice Memos. Just a little nuts, that you need to transfer data via wifi and the internet, with a phone and pc a foot or two apart.
I agree. That's what I love about Air Drop on Macs and iPhones and iPads. Here are some of my options if I want to share one or more pictures from my iPad: I can Air Drop them to my computer or my phone or any other Apple device that's in range as long as the owner give me permission. Or I can save it to any folder in my iCloud drive for access by all my devices. Or send it as a text ot iMessage. I can add it to an email or display it on my TV. It wasn't long ago that Apple required you to jump through all sorts of hoops using 3rd party software and/or hardware to transfer files. Now it's insanely flexible.
In aviation, 12,000 feet is the level at which supplemental oxygen is required to compensate for the 13.2% partial pressure versus 20.9% at sea level: Oxygen Levels at Altitude | Center for Wilderness Safety As for CO{2}, 0.5% is a Federal Standard: The combination is the more interesting challenge. Bob Wilson
12,000 feet, so they say, but if I am 'driving' and the chart says minimum enroute altitude exceeds 9000 feet, my planning would require a green bottle and nasal cannula. I trust my judgement at sea level, pretty much. But up there ...
For the image file time-stamps jhead (command line execuatable) proved very useful, can change the time to reflect the internal data, when the picture was taken: jhead -ft *.jpg Handy too for batch renaming them in chronological order. To be fair, any subsequent copy of the file will again revise the time-stamp to current. But for files that aren't going anywhere, it's handy to be able to see the date-taken.
I boycott Apple for a list of reasons: 1. They used to carrier lock u to AT&t which is the worst service for sound quality and they still need to be prosecuted for this antitrust violation (see last line about SEC investigation) 2. They refused to unlock a terrorist suspect's phone and he proved to be a terrorist and the FBI needed the information. That's a matter of national security and it trumps all other arguments. 3. It feels like a monopoly as compared to Android where I can choose my phone mfg 4. Apple refused to let us use flash 5. Android has file folders and I'm a business user who must use the cloud drive to store files 6. Android let's me run 5 accounts on one phone, personal and business each have their own cloud folders and all ring on my one device 7. I have 4 cellular carriers plus VOIP and service in 180 countries so I'm never without service. No loner have to buy sim cards. Just hit the ground running. I used to go to more than a dozen counties a year and this was essential. 8. Apple buried it's losses in Steve jobs personal name and Congress didn't prosecute despite the SEC overwhelming proof of fraud by a publicly traded company