How far is it across Canada? I had planned to circumnavigate Australia (14,000-16,000kms) when I got mine, but that didn't happen due to family health issues.
On a quick route check on an old MS Streets & Trips, from St. John's to Vancouver to the Alaska border, without time-saving detours through the U.S., I'm seeing about 9,600 km one way. A detour to a mostly U.S. route is 400 km longer, but considerably quicker. Skip Vancouver, and you can get across in just 8400 km. For comparison, going from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans across the continental U.S. is about 3770 km across the southern strip, while northeast to northwest corner tips takes about 5700 km.
Congratulations; Keep those fridge vents clear - ditto with hybrid battery intake vents. I prefer and inflatable twin mattress with a built in pump (4-D cells). Saves space and variable firmness. If you don't have window visors installed - I would highly suggest them. You can crack the window down without getting wet. Keep a highway plug kit w/rubber cement; just in case - with a pump. Happy Trails....
OP is traveling in Canada. In an event of a tire blow out, a fellow Canadian will pull over and give him their spare, Eh?
In the years before 9/11, I would take a shortcut from Connecticut to Detroit by going through Canada. Driving west, once you got past the Toronto burbs, it was clear sailing at 85-90 mph the entire way to Sarnia.
I read this book a couple of years ago. This is how they did it a 100 years ago. The Amazing Foot Race of 1921: Halifax to Vancouver in 134 Days by Shirley Jean Roll Tucker The Amazing Foot Race of 1921: Halifax to Vancouver in 134 Days by Shirley Jean Roll Tucker
Pretty sure my mom made that trip once and was positively bubbling about the "100" speed limits on that route. I said "kilometers?" and she said: "oops".