Okay so I've been really going through it with my Prius this last month.. It all started with a misfire code for cylinder 4 after changing the spark plug and coil pack and it not resolving my issue I went forward with cleaning the entire EGR system the pipe the EGR valve the EGR cooler all of it. Then I took apart the intake manifold and cleaned out all the ports and did everything pretty much any video suggested to do on youtube. I even put in a new PCV valve, changed the oil and filter while I was at it! It seemed to have solved my problem with the misfire however I got the Check Hybrid System error but was still about to drive the car fine. Now Ive drove the car about 350 miles with no misfire issue until today. Im getting a misfire in cylinder 3 now and its not until the engine gets a little warm, once the misfire comes though the A/C seems to also stop working as well and once it does come it doesn't stop again until the engine has had some rest. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I pulled the spark plug and it didn't seem to have an coolant or oil on it and I changed the coil pack with the first cylinders coil pack but the issue remands on the 3rd...