Offended enough to start charging EVangelists a road use tax? I'm a little curious as to why is going after refineries the way that they are. First of all....anybody who knows anything about the petrol biz KNOWS that refineries are running at just about FLAT OUT capacity. Secondly, if we kink the hose on domestic production, what are the refineries going to REFINE??? I can understand (if not agree) with the notion that it's ecologically "more green" to import oil from overseas, because...HEY...everybody KNOWS that tankers are safer and more energy efficient than pipelines......but really? I claim credit about 100 posts ago for bringing up the DPA by the way....
Yes, although I prefer either charging EVs per mile, or charge everyone a flat fee and eliminate the gas tax for passenger vehicles.
Careful! That sounds very close to being a fair (flat) tax rate! VMT's can be a good thing, actually and they are inherently fair - IF they are done right. They can also be a shining example of why you never EVER want to try and solve a simple problem. er...... "actual" mileage will vary.
So $4.42 at a SuperCharger added 57 miles to my Tesla Model 3 ($4.42 / 57 ~= $0.075 / mi. At home it would be $0.12 / $0.35 ~= 34% lower or ~$0.015 / mi. Bob Wilson
Really angry that I filled up at $6 on Friday and it's $5.50 on Sunday. I should've waited. Need to keep telling myself, better to have prices drop than to have risen.
We were up in Canada last week for a day ( Thunder Bay area ) and noticed that gas was barely under $2 CDN per liter as well. What was it at previously?
$2.35 or thereabouts, at the peak. This is on west coast, Greater Vancouver. I believe it was always about a quarter less back east.
At least, in a Prius, the maximum cost of such a regret is limited to about $5, and that only if you were running on fumes when you pulled in to the station.
I keep thinking of that investment adage: just buy regularly, never mind if it’s up or down, it’ll work out.
...paid $3.50/gal the other day....but I had $1.30/gal discount from the grocery store. Saved $22 (other car). Surprised to learn, when buying groceries, we can get bonus points. So I called the store to say we did not buy $1300 of groceries last week. They said I got a bunch of bonus points (we had actually spend $92, including some steaks I overcooked on the grill). Only now we realize we can max bonus points (eg; for meats), which helped remove some of the pain for the grill mistake and gaso cost. Probably lots of folks are not paying pump price, due to discounts, when compared with past years.
Ten days ago I paid $4.95. Today I could pay $3.95. But thank goodness my cars average 40 MPG and run on regular. Still a $49 bill was a surprise but when traveling states away not much choice.
You're right, of course. With record breaking inflation, I kept telling my wife all weekend about that packet of sugar, I could have bought for $5. Yeah, she was really tired of hearing me whine... So I went on the internet.
Hey no worries, I'll sell you my packet of sugar, you can buy each sugar packet just for a quarter!* quartermustbemadebefore1964
I finally bought gas yesterday after three months and one day. Not that I had to, but it looks like they'er having a price war in the area we drove through. I paid $3.989 per gallon, the same price I paid on April17. Miles driven were 3,641. Gas cost $38.50. Electricity cost $13.35. Cost per mile was 1.42 cents per mile.