Hi-- I have a 2012 Prius v. I have the original wiper blades, but when I ordered refills they were too thick. They were the same length. Anyone else have this problem? On the (original) driver blade (metal) is the code 202326a The rubber refill is part 85214-47051 Thanks so much!
I buy TOYOTA OEM 8521447051 Wiper Blade Refill Right TOYOTA OEM 8521447061 Wiper Blade Refill Left TOYOTA OEM 8521412310 Wiper Blade Refill Rear In the US, drivers side is Left, eg part 8521447061. If the insert does not fit its either counterfeit or your holders are not original. The rear is a little harder so most of the time I buy the whole assembly 8524212090
I buy RainX beam style 28 inch at Walmart for the driver's side (B-28-1, Jhook style) for roughly $14 each. That is 2 inches longer than the 26 inch OEM. I like the larger clearing area, and have had no issues. I like Beam style since there is zero chance that the "refill" will come off, and scratch the windshield. My Chrysler van has nasty scratches from a refill falling off.
Thanks for the replies, I removed the original blades and put on Bosch Icons, when the pandemic dies down I will take the original blades--clearly marked Toyota--to the dealer parts window. Maybe the dealer put Sienna blades on the who knows, but the oem refills are too wide. I wasn't sure whether to get A or B for the passenger side but the B works fine. @gromittoo -- that's really interesting about the 28" I may have to try that--did you keep the other wiper at 19?
I left the right wiper at 19 inches, but I use the same RainX beam J-hook style blade B-19-1 (B-19-2 is not J Hook Style, and won't fit). I actually started using the 28 inch because I "borrowed" a blade from my Minivan, when I needed a quick replacement. I am tall, and I liked having 1 extra inch of the windshield cleared at the top.
Amazon sent the wrong blade so I returned it and got the Bosh Icon 28A, leaving the right one at 19, as you suggested. So far, works great, thanks. Super quiet.
A bit late to the party, but I know the answer to your problem regarding the wiper blade refills. 1. According to the diagrams, the OEM wiper blade is Toyota part number 8521247060 for the passenger side, and 8522247040 for the driver side. 2. Some Prius V's, including yours and mine, come with Sightline wiper blades. I don't know why. 3. The sightlines blades use narrower rubber inserts than the OEM parts, and these rubber inserts are not sold separately. If you have Sightlines, you have to replace the entire blade. Sightlines are $23, the OEM blades are $30. 4. While Air_Boss is technically correct (the best kind of correct) that this is not rocket science, it's certainly not a simple "just buy the refills on the parts diagram" situation. It dismays me to see such a condescending reply from a PriusChat senior member. I ended up going to a local pick-a-part junkyard and pillaging some OEM blades from a couple wrecks there. $3 entry, $2 per blade, and the rubber refills were still in good condition. When they wear out in a couple years I can now buy the refills that fit them from my local Toyota dealer.
With respect, rubber refills last only six months in UV exposure, and anything sitting in a yard is DOA. If in doubt, look at the fitment (J-hooks), measure the sweep outlined on the windshield, see how much un-swept glass is available inside the pillar at outer edges and at the inner edges, and measure that distance. What you will find is that the windshield (and motors) can easily handle a larger replacement blade sweep -- a full inch in length on both sides -- which we have done since we first replaced the OEM blades. Brackletless or frameless "aero" blades are far superior to OEM refills.
Interesting--I gave up on the refills and got the Bosch blades, but no reason to hang on to the original blades if there are no refills. They do have the Toyota logo on them but as long as the Bosh blades work I guess that's the easiest fix, if if not the best for the environment......
Yup, added an inch to the driver side with the Bosh no problem and they don't squeak. Of course, as soon as I say that....