Some of the colors are done by way of 3 layers of paint. The tangerine splash pearl is an orange paint base with a green metallic flake tinted middlecoat, then a clear layer over that for more depth. It cost more than some of the other colors. The repair kits involve another step because of the extra paint layer. There are other colors subject to this same system, but I couldn't tell you which other ones were on the Prius- generally Toyota charged an extra $400 for the 3-layer colors.
Thanks for the info! That’s pricey for touch up paint, but maybe the results are worth it. I’ve just been using one of those little $20-30 all-in-one tubes from Toyota as needed. I think my local service center gave me a $650 estimate to do the whole hood in 2020.
Yeah the kit was $40 the last time I did it and it is $60 now. I'll cover about 2 years of accumulated flaws now, and I'll be able to catch a few next year before the kit itself is dried out. Well worth it to keep the paint sealed with no rust apparent on the car.