Hello all ( newbie here ) i just bought a new to me 2015 Prius C 107,000 KM . I just recently started using the Dr Prius app. i have been monitoring my battery temps. the temps on the middle bank seem to go in-between 97 f and 111 f which is about 5f higher than one of the other banks and 4f higher than the other bank. im not sure if my fan is coming on when it should. when i override the fan with the app the fan comes on to what i believe is full blast. last night i cleaned a bunch of fluf from the fan filter at the bottom of the seat where the fan is located. when i got to work this morning the fan was not going. i believe it should turn on around 86f. does the fan use multiple speeds ? what is a normal temp for the batteries ? I did a life expectancy test , and the battery came out at 61.5 % capacity and in " fair " condition.
yes, it is a multi speed fan. in most circumstances, you never hear it. you can put a tissue on the grille to see if it is on. the middle of the pack always runs hotter because of air flow, and that's where most failures occur. idk the temp specs, but i think you're good. you can always leave the fan on high, as some here do. idk if that helps or not, but if it brings the temps down, that's never a bad thing.
Thank you Bisco how do you leave the fan on high , just through the Dr prius app , or is there another way ?
You need a OBD2 scanner and the Prius app in order to be able to run the hybrid battery fan at maximum speed.