So, something strange just happened. Got in my 2020 Prime this morning, started and pulled away from my driveway as usual. About 4 or 5 blocks down the street, while rolling forward at about 20mph, my radio suddenly shut off and the touch screen rebooted (went black and then ran the startup graphic) itself. Nothing else in the car seemed to be impacted as all the dash indicators were still on and I was still rolling in EV mode. I don't recall if I had climate control running at the time or not. Has this happened to anyone else? The car is less than a month old so I'm obviously planning to talk to my dealer about it, but wanted to see if there's any sort of known issue first before I just go in with a vague "make it work right".
Oh yeah many wonderful times. The weird thing is I had my iPhone XS hooked up to USB while it happened playing music from the phone. I thought it might be Bluetooth related too, but I was just using the USB. I tried different USB cables but the same thing kept happening. There were some error messages that proceeded each reboot where it would display no music files found (even while playing a current song), then no compatible device found and then the music would shut off then the screen would reboot and the startup graphic would come back on and after the music picked up right where it left off. So I hooked up an old 5th gen iPod Nano (with the 30 pin connector) and haven’t had it happen yet. Might be related to newer devices USB. iPad ? Pro
Same thing was happening almost daily to me on a 2017. Eventually the dealer replaced the whole head. Since than it's happened about twice in 2 years.
My cell phone (Samsung Galaxy S8) is paired with the car for calls and such. I was listening to the satellite radio at the time as that's my go-to for audio. Seems I'm not alone though. Wonder what strangeness of software/hardware is causing it.
Same problem on new 2020, using XM, phone paired with Bluetooth, but no cable. Happened several times in two days, has not happened since then. At least the car does not shut down.
Me too. 2020 Prime. Bluetooth to LG phone and XM playing. This has happened maybe 8 times in the 3 months of ownership. Comes back on in 30 seconds or so. Very annoying though! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Looks like a few of us are getting this behavior under very similar circumstances - bluetooth paired phone and listening to satellite radio. Guessing it's some funky bit of code in there somewhere that's causing something to burp, but it will take someone with actual skill (i.e. not me) to know what that is causing the minor annoyance. Fingers crossed, it hasn't happened to me since the first occurrence.
Happened to me a few times already and I do NOT listen to XM.. Samsung Note 9 is paired via BT though.
I have the same problem. Android connected via Bluetooth. Normally listen to XM. I always back out of my garage before heading out. When it happens, infrequent and seemingly random, it is usually shortly after driving forward within about 15 seconds. Another posting in another thread mentioned that he/she thought it might be related to driving in reverse. YMMV.
I have problems somewhat like those described but don’t use satellite radio. It always seems to me the phone itself loses contact with my house wifi and takes time to switch over to cellular. Just a guess based on limited data.
My Infotainment System has self rebooted twice and my iphone 12 ProMax has also disconnected multiple times. I had it looked at at the dealership this week and all I was told is that there isn’t an update available. It cut off our hotspot after an hour of travel a couple of weeks ago. I also have connection problems with my phone on our Highlander Hybrid LE.
Today my 2019 prime premium infotainment system screen went black for about 5 seconds and then reboot. I had my pixel 6 connected via Bluetooth playing music. Initially I thought my car shut off but it was running on ev with no issues. This was the first time this happened in 2.5 years. Is this something serious? Did people figure out what was causing this and does something need to be done?
No XM here. In the past few months this has happened to me 3 times. The screen goes blank and then reboots itself. I bought this used back in March 2022. I LOVE this car, hate the infotainment issue.
Toyota needs to update infotainment system. Usually they do this by releasing updates via Owners although quite a few PriusChatters have volunteered their copy when they find it. I try not to use Bluetooth so my issue was USB only. You could try deleting all your settings, sort of a hard reset. It sometimes helps but a PITA to redo your phone into your system. If you call Toyota they'll tell you to reset your network setting on your phone although I've gotten away with putting the phone into airplane mode and back to normal again. View PDF