Changed my ATF on the 2012 today and the fluid came out in silver color. Has anyone experienced this before? This is the first time I've seen my ATF in silver. Usually it would just be dark brown or black. Let me know.
Any loss in MPG or other symptoms? Is the lighting different than normal? Did you check in different lighting? Send Pics please!
No mpg loss, different lighting same, don't have pics because I drained it into a bucket of other oils and it got mixed
Maybe this is why? Some kind of chemical reaction? If this is not the first draining of the transaxle, which is usually very dark red, then it usually comes out much lighter, red, not very dark in colo(u)r. I put that u in color for Mendel. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No that isn't why. I looked at the fluid that was draining out, not the one in the bucket. The fluid only has 20k miles and this is the 2nd time I've changed it. I did it sooner to drain more old-fluid out from the 1st one because drain and fill doesn't really drain everything out and there's a little left in the pan. That's why I was surprised that the fluid looked silver, it only had 20k miles.
No that isn't why. I looked at the fluid that was draining out, not the one in the bucket. The fluid only has 20k miles and this is the 2nd time I've changed it. I did it sooner to drain more old-fluid out from the 1st one because drain and fill doesn't really drain everything out and there's a little left in the pan. That's why I was surprised that the fluid looked silver, it only had 20k miles.
There’s gotta be lots(!) of metal particles to make oil look silver color. That much metal does not come off without symptoms of some kind (sound, vibration, fault codes etc). Why you proceeded to change oil in the first place? Our atf oil was replaced first time at 130k miles. I think these transmissions can last very long with factory oil since there’s nothing to wear except bearings edit: when you made first change you are sure you put in correct amount?
At only 20K on the once changed transaxle fluid, it should look pretty much like fresh fluid, like the one Georgina Rutkus posted above, on the right. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.